30th Sunday in Ordinary Time


If the Pharisee had his way, the Tax-Collector would not have been allowed into the Temple at all. Some people believe that sinners should never go to church. They cry “hypocrites” at those who do. According to them only saints should be admitted to church but that would result in a very small church and would make as little sense as a repair shop that only accepted sound things, or a hospital that accepted only healthy people. We go to church, not because we are worthy but because we need to. We are brave enough to admit our sinfulness but are willing to strive for something better.

World Mission Sunday

Today, Sunday, 23 October 2022 is World Mission Sunday. World Mission Sunday is being celebrated in every Catholic parish around the world today! It supports missionaries who work alongside communities that are poor or in need, regardless of their background or belief. By supporting Missio, the Pope’s charity for world mission, you will help missionaries like Maria witness to their faith and offer vulnerable women in Ethiopia hope for a better future. Please pray for the mission of the Church throughout the world and give what you can to this very important collection which will sustain the future of our Church. If you use the donation envelopes to give by credit/debit card, please return the envelopes directly to Missio. Do not put them in the Church collection. Please call 020 7821 9755 (office hours) or visit Missio’s website to give a single gift, set up a Direct Debit and Gift Aid your donation if possible.

Cost of living crisis

The Archdiocese has now created a network of warm and cosy spaces for winter with hot drinks, TV and internet access (click the link below to see the list). Everyone will find: warm & cosy parish centre; a warm cup of tea or coffee; some delicious individually wrapped biscuits or cakes; the ability to watch television or read books; a chance to meet some new friends you haven’t met yet. Please spread the word. If you would like to get more involved please contact p.guidi@rcaol.org.uk

29th Sunday in Ordinary Time


My little children, your hearts, are small, but prayer stretches them and makes them capable of loving God. Through prayer we receive a foretaste of heaven and something of paradise comes down upon us. Prayer never leaves us without sweetness. It is honey that flows into the souls and makes all things sweet. When we pray properly, sorrows disappear like snow before the sun.

Saint John Vianney

October – Month Dedicated to Our Lady of the Rosary

“The rosary is integral to the spiritual life of many Catholics in our countries and, if we deepen our understanding of the foundations of our rosary prayers, we can, in turn, deepen our devotion to Mary, the Mother of God.” In the link below, you will find resources and information to explore this devotion. Each Friday we will also travel as virtual pilgrims to a particular Marian Shrine in England and Wales. All information can be found via the link below.

Lourdes Youth Pilgrimage 2023

Applications are now available online at liverpoollourdesyouth.co.uk for any young people aged Y10 upwards (to 22 years) who would like to be part of Sefton Coach 7.  Be part of something special!  Places are going fast so apply soon.  For more info, contact coach7@animateyouth.net


Fr Tom Williams and Bro. Ste Lloyd will be visiting St James’ for a few days beginning on 19th October. It will be good to see them and I’m sure you will give them a warm welcome!

28th Sunday in Ordinary Time


Once there was a young man who had never thought of donating blood. But then his father got very ill and was hospitalised. One day the son was sitting by his father’s bedside as he was getting a blood transfusion. As he watched the blood flowing into his father’s veins, he suddenly realised that someone had donated the blood that was now keeping his father alive. Straight away he made up his mind to become a donor and he was as good as his word. Many are willing to avail of the generosity of others but few are willing to give something back. This is why gratitude is so important. It makes us want to give something back.

Saint Artemide Zatti SDB

Today, 9th October, in Rome, Pope Francis will canonise a Salesian coadjutor brother, Artemide Zatti, an Italian immigrant who lived and worked in the Salesian Mission in Argentina. It’s a great day for the whole Salesian Family, and there will be huge celebrations in Rome. Saint Artimede Zatti, pray for us.

Prisoners’ Sunday And Week

Prisoner's week was a Catholic initiative begun in 1975 by Bishop Victor Guazelli which has since ecumenical support and observance. It reflects the work of the Prison Advice and Care Trust which builds on its origins as the Bourne Trust — the Catholic Prisoner's Aid Society. The Sunday and the following week seek to focus attention not only on the needs of prisoners but on all those involved in the field of prison care, prisoners' families, victims of crime, prison staff and many volunteers.

CAFOD Fast Day

Envelopes are still available for anyone who wants to contribute to the CAFOD collection. Bring your envelopes back any time you come to Mass and place them on the collection plate.

27th Sunday in Ordinary Time


I must be filled with joy if my feet are on the right road and my face set towards the gate which is called beautiful, though I may fall many times in the mire and often in the mist go astray. Far off, like a perfect pearl, one can see the city of God. It is so wonderful that it seems as if a child could reach it in a summer’s day. And so a child could. But with me and such as me it is different. One can realise a thing in a single moment but one loses it in the long hours that follow with leaden feet. We think in terms of eternity, but we move slowly through time.

Oscar Wilde

Harvest Family Fast Day

CAFOD Family Fast Day is this Friday, 7th October. At the back of Church, envelopes are available for you to contribute to the collection for CAFOD. Please bring them back any time in the next couple of weeks and put them in the collection plate. Thank you!

Irenaeus Centre

The Irenaeus Centre is open for drop in and a chat 10am – 4pm Mon–Thurs, Great Georges Rd. Waterloo, L22 1RD ‘Songs We Remember’ – a sing-a-long with all those old songs we used to sing, followed by a cuppa and a chat on 2nd and 4th Wednesday of the month Agape Mass First Thursday of every month 7pm at the Irenaeus Centre Film Night: Belfast – discuss the challenges of the film Belfast. 11 Oct. Hot pot supper available at 6pm For further information and to book a place contact jenny@irenaeus.co.uk or Telephone 0151 949 1199

26th Sunday in Ordinary Time


A week ago the sycamore tree was loaded with gold. However, instead of sitting back and enjoying it, it began to give it away. At first it was just a leaf here and there, whenever the wind asked for a contribution. But soon it was giving it away in fistfuls, without being asked, and without a thought for a wintry tomorrow. Wealth is judged, not by the amount that is accumulated, but by the amount that is given away. The only wealth that is worth having is the wealth of the heart. To close one’s heart is to begin to die; to open it is to begin to live.

Pilgrimage to Knock

Escorted Pilgrimage to Knock Shrine, Ireland, 3rd October 2022. £699 per person sharing. Single supplement £100. Price includes return flight, 4 nights in Knock House Hotel with full board. All entertainment and excursions included. Day trips to Westport, Ballintubber Abbey, Croagh Patrick, Fr. Peyton Centre and National museum. Contact Patricia on 01268 762 278 or 07740 175557 or email
knockpilgrimages@gmail.com for more information.

Invitation to ladies discussion group

All ladies of the Archdiocese are invited to a “discussion group meeting” on Wednesday 28th September at 7:30pm in the Gild Hall, Church Rd, Formby, Liverpool L37 3NG. It is hoped that a more formal women’s discussion group will start to meet more regularly and will move around the diocese with a view to linking into the National Board of Catholic women. For further information please contact Pat Murphy Mpmmurphypat@aol.com or Clare McCarthy

World day of Migrants and Refugees: Sunday, 25 September 2022

The Church has been celebrating the World Day of Migrants and Refugees (WDMR) since 1914. It’s always an occasion to express concern for different vulnerable people on the move; to pray for them as they face many challenges; and to increase awareness about the opportunities that migration offers. https://www.cbcew.org.uk/wdmr/ resources from the Catholic Bishops Conference of England and Wales.
The Vatican has a dedicated section for Migrants and Refugees https://migrants-refugees.va/ . It is directed personally by Pope Francis and aims to help the Church, and others, to accompany those forced to flee and make sure they are not shut out or left behind.

24th Sunday in Ordinary Time

Statement from the Archbishop about the death of Queen Elizabeth

I am deeply saddened to hear the news about the death of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II. I pray for the repose of her soul and for all the members of the Royal Family at this time of sorrow. On 21 April 1947, her 21st birthday, in a speech broadcast on the radio from Cape Town, the then Princess Elizabeth dedicated her life to the service of the Commonwealth saying, “I declare before you all that my whole life whether it be long or short shall be devoted to your service and the service of our great imperial family to which we all belong”.

Today we give thanks for that lifetime of service to our country and for her leadership of the Church of England during her 70 year reign. The celebrations we witnessed earlier this year for her Platinum Jubilee show how much respect and love people had for her. She will be remembered for her dedication, strength, warmth and her pride in our country.

Education Sunday

For well over one hundred years there has been annual recognition of Education Sunday in England and Wales. It is a national day of prayer and celebration for everyone in the world of education.

The theme is devised by an ecumenical steering group representing different Christian denominations and organisations. Since 2016 it has been celebrated on the second Sunday in September, coinciding with the start of the school year. The resources are intended to be used as a springboard for a variety of events on or around Education Sunday.

Mass for the sick

During the St Bernadette’s relics tour, the cathedral will be celebrating Mass with anointing of the sick on Sunday 18 September at 3pm. We expect this Mass to be popular so we ask any sick person wanting to be anointed to let us know in advance that they will be attending by emailing Claire Hanlon on c.hanlon@metcathedral.org.uk or ring 0151 709 9222 ext. 201 by Monday 12 September. Please make yourself known at the welcome desk when you arrive at the cathedral and you will be directed to your seat.

23rd Sunday in Ordinary Time


Blessed are those who realise that they cannot live on bread alone but need the word of God too: they will be fully nourished.
Blessed are those who, when they have sinned, follow the example of the prodigal son and come back home to seek reconciliation: they will cause heaven to ring with joy.
Blessed are those who stop to attend to a wounded neighbour, pouring in the oil of compassion and the wine of hope: they are the Good Samaritans of today.
Blessed are those who remove the plank from their own eyes before telling their brother to remove the splinter from his: their efforts at reforming others will bear fruit.
And blessed are those who, having put their hand to the plough, refuse to look back: they will be found worthy of the Kingdom.

St Bernadette’s relics

The relics of St Bernadette will be at St Mary’s Chorley from 8:30pm on Thursday 15th until 9am on Saturday 17th when they will depart for the Metropolitan Cathedral with a service of welcome there at 3:30pm. They will stay at the cathedral until 7am on Tuesday 20th September.

For a schedule of events and to register for your free place click the link below.

Spanish Mass

Will take place in St Vincent’s Church, St James St L1 5JN every 2nd Sunday of the month at 4pm. Dates for the rest of this year are 11 Sep, 9 Oct, 13 Nov, 11 Dec.

22nd Sunday in Ordinary Time


Lord, we thank you for having us as guests at the banquet of the Eucharist. Here we have listened to your word and eaten the food of eternal life. May we go forth from here nourished, honoured, blessed, humbled yet exalted. May we be so sure of our worth before you that the honours of this world will never ensnare us. And in your goodness grant us a place at the heavenly banquet.

St Bernadette’s relics

In September and October this year, the relics of St Bernadette will journey on pilgrimage to England, Scotland, and Wales for the very first time. This very special once in a lifetime event will provide an opportunity for people of all ages and backgrounds to experience the special gifts and charisms of Lourdes, in a church or cathedral near them.

The relics will visit the Archdiocese of Liverpool from 15-20 September, visiting St Mary’s Chorley, Liverpool Anglican Cathedral and Metropolitan Cathedral of Christ the King. For the Metropolitan cathedral, the relics will be located in the main Cathedral space. To ensure the comfort and safety of pilgrims, visitors are asked to register their attendance in advance. Click the link below for a schedule of events and to register for your free place.


The Funeral of Catherine Riley will take place here in St James’ on Friday 2nd September at 1pm.
Please pray for the repose of Catherine’s soul and for the comfort of her family.

21st Sunday in Ordinary Time


Jesus said that there are two roads we can follow.
The first is wide and easy to travel.
It is downhill most of the way.
It is the way of comfort and ease, pleasure and self-seeking.
Many are fooled and travel down this road but in the long run it leads them nowhere. They die in the desert.
The second road is narrow and difficult.
It is uphill a lot of the way.
It is the way of struggle and sacrifice.
Few take this road but they are the lucky ones.
This road leads to the promised land.


(Rite of Christian initiation of Adults)

Each year we run a series of meetings leading to full membership of the Catholic Church i.e. Baptism, Confirmation and Holy Communion.
If you or anyone you know is interested, join us on Wednesday 24th August at 7:30pm in St James’ parish house.
Rita and Team
For more information contact Rita on 07716 396010


The Funeral Mass for Mary McLoughlin will take place here in St James’ on Tuesday 23rd August at 10am.

Please pray for the repose of Mary’s soul and the comfort of her family.

17th Sunday in Ordinary Time


I asked for health that I might do great things;
I was given infirmity that I might do better things.
I asked for riches that I might be happy;
I was given poverty that I might be wise.
I asked for power that I might have the praise of men;
I was given weakness that I might feel the need of God.
I asked for all things that I might enjoy life;
I was given life that I might enjoy all things.
I got nothing that I asked for but everything I hoped for.
Almost despite myself, my unspoken prayers were answered.
I am, among all men, most richly blessed

Renewal of vows

We congratulate Bro Nhan who renews his vows as a Salesian at Mass today, in the presence of our Provincial Fr Gerry Briody.

Please remember Bro Nhan in your prayers.

World Grandparents Day

Last year Pope Francis decided to institute a Church-wide celebration of a World Day for Grandparents and the elderly. He declared it will be held on the fourth Sunday of July, close to the liturgical memorial of Saints Joachim and Anne, the grandparents of Jesus.

This year the Second World Day for Grandparents and the Elderly falls on Sunday 24th July. There are many ways we can celebrate this special day, in our homes and parishes.