6th Sunday in Ordinary Time


Blessed are the clean of heart;
they will see God.
Blessed are the humble of heart;
they will find rest for their souls.
Blessed are the warm-hearted;
they will radiate goodness.
Blessed are those who work with the heart;
they will find joy in their work.
Blessed are those who do not lose heart;
they will find the strength to persevere.
And blessed are those who set their hearts on the Kingdom of God;
everything else will be given to them.

Flame Fundraising Quiz 

Friday 21st February 7pm start.
At the Brunny on Marsh Lane.
Tickets £4.00 including quiz sheet.
Light refreshments available.
Bring your preferred tipple and food.
Raffles! Spot the Ball!

Celebration of the miraculous cure of Jack Traynor 

The Archbishop of Liverpool, Archbishop Malcolm McMahon OP invites you to a historic occasion for the Archdiocese of Liverpool as we celebrate the miraculous cure of Jack Traynor with Mass and a drinks reception on Tuesday 18th February at 7pm at the Metropolitan Cathedral

If you would like to attend please fill in the form by clicking the link below. As we are expecting it to be a popular event, we need to know numbers in advance. We are looking into the prospect of sending free coaches from each deanery area If you are interested in this, please let us know on this form so we can gauge interest. Please include your contact details so we can get in touch with further details.

Racial Justice Sunday 

Our theme this year has the title ‘ Coat of Many Colours’, reflecting the increasing diversity that exists in the churches in Britain and Ireland. Both the Old Testament, or the Hebrew Bible, and the New Testament are replete with references to diversity, in this world and the Kingdom to come. One only has to reflect on verses that speak of a ‘house of prayer for all nations’ (Isaiah 56:7), the events of Pentecost (Acts 2) or the ‘multitude … from every nation’ (Revelation 7:9-17), which all include words meaning ‘every tribe and nation’, to see that ethnic diversity is part of God’s divine plan. There is little doubt that British churches, especially in the larger cities, are a microcosm of the world in a congregation, which is indeed a blessing that must be celebrated. Equally, the fact that the diversity of believers has breathed some much-needed spiritual life into our churches reveals that this is a movement of God for which He must be praised. In our reflections and sermons, members of the RJSWG and others, who hail from many parts of the globe, describe their experiences of being part of the Coat of Many Colours.

Listen to the Pastoral Letter from Archbishop Malcolm McMahon for Racial Justice Sunday below.

5th Sunday in Ordinary Time


Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate, but that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness, that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, “Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented and fabulous?” Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small doesn’t serve the world. There’s nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won’t feel insecure around you. We are born to manifest the Glory of God that is within us. It’s not just in some of us; it’s in everyone. And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our fear, our presence automatically liberates others. (From the inaugural speech of Nelson Mandela).

Confirmation 2025 (Animate) 

If your child is in Year 8 and would like to receive the sacrament of confirmation, please register from the link below. Registration is open from Monday 13 January to Monday 17 March 2025.

Advanced Notice 

The Spritans (formerly known as The Holy Ghost Fathers) have been given permission to do Mission appeals in our Archdiocese this year. They will be coming to do an appeal in our Parish on 8th/9th March, the First Sunday of Lent. One of their priests will preach at both Masses and there will be a second collection for the work of the Spiritans in their Mission territories. More information when we get nearer the date.


The funeral Mass for Joe Campbell will take place here in St James’ on Tuesday 11th February at 1.15 pm. Please remember Joe and his family in your prayers.

The funeral Mass for John Symes will take place here in St James’ on Friday 14th February at 1.30pm. Please pray for the repose of John’s soul and the comfort of his family.

The Presentation of the Lord


Today the Church celebrates the feast of the Presentation of the Lord which occurs forty days after the birth of Jesus and is also known as Candlemas day, since the blessing and procession of candles is included in today's liturgy. Before the revision of the General Roman Calendar this marked the end of the Christmas season. 
The feast was first observed in the Eastern Church as "The Encounter." In the sixth century, it began to be observed in the West: in Rome with a more penitential character and in Gaul (France) with solemn blessings and processions of candles, popularly known as "Candlemas." The Presentation of the Lord concludes the celebration of the Nativity and with the offerings of the Virgin Mother and the prophecy of Simeon, the events now point toward Easter.
"In obedience to the Old Law, the Lord Jesus, the first-born, was presented in the Temple by his Blessed Mother and his foster father. This is another 'epiphany' celebration insofar as the Christ Child is revealed as the Messiah through the canticle and words of Simeon and the testimony of Anna the prophetess. Christ is the light of the nations, hence the blessing and procession of candles on this day. In the Middle Ages this feast of the Purification of the Blessed Virgin Mary, or 'Candlemas,' was of great importance.

Celebration of the miraculous cure of Jack Traynor 

The Archbishop of Liverpool, Archbishop Malcolm McMahon OP invites you to a historic occasion for the Archdiocese of Liverpool as we celebrate the miraculous cure of Jack Traynor with Mass and a drinks reception on Tuesday 18th February at 7pm at the Metropolitan Cathedral. 
If you would like to attend please fill in the form below. As we are expecting it to be a popular event, we need to know numbers in advance. We are looking into the prospect of sending free coaches from each deanery area If you are interested in this, please let us know on this form so we can gauge interest. Please include your contact details so we can get in touch with further details. 

Youth Music Group 

Anyone who likes to sing/plays an instrument and is interested in getting involved in a youth music group please see Harry or Sue. We plan to meet on Thursdays at 6pm.
We’d also welcome new members to join the Sunday music group. Please come over and join us.
Fundraiser for FLAME. Quiz and bingo night on 21st Feb in the Brunny. Tickets next week

Church Painting 

Between Tuesday 4th and Friday 7th February workmen will be in Church to replaster and paint some areas of the walls in Church. This will involve scaffolding and cause a little bit of disruption. However, our 10am Mass will take place in Church as usual, with the workers taking a break.

3rd Sunday in Ordinary Time


Human beings are frail and foolish.
We have been told that grace is to be found in the universe.
But in our human foolishness and short-sightedness we imagine divine grace to be finite and for this reason we tremble.
But the moment comes when our eyes are opened and we see that grace is infinite.
Grace demands nothing from us but that we await it with confidence and acknowledge it with gratitude.
Grace makes no conditions and singles out none of us in particular.
Grace takes all to its bosom and proclaims a general amnesty.
Isak Dinesen

Feast of St John Bosco 

Friday of this week is the Feast Day of our founder St John Bosco.
Normally we would celebrate the Feast in the Parish on the nearest Sunday. However, Sunday 2nd February is the Feast of the Presentation of the Lord and this takes precedence over the celebration of Don Bosco.
Therefore, the only celebration of Don Bosco will be on the Friday, 31st January, although I’m sure he will get a mention on Sunday!

Confirmation 2025 (Animate) 

If your child is in Year 8 and would like to receive the sacrament of confirmation, please register from the link below. Registration is open from Monday 13 January to Monday 17 March 2025.


The Funeral Mass for Mary Garry will take place here in St James’ on Thursday 30th January at 12 noon.
Please pray for the repose of Mary’s soul and the comfort of her family.

2nd Sunday in Ordinary Time


Jesus brought the wine of God’s love into the world.
Everywhere he went the old was made new.
For the couple at Cana he changed water into wine.
For the widow of Nain he changed tears into joy.
For Zacchaeus he changed selfishness into love.
For the thief on Calvary he changed despair into hope.
And on Easter morning he changed death into life.
Lord, be present with us today and throughout our lives.
And when through human weakness the wine of love is found wanting, touch our hearts and strengthen our wills so that we may taste the wine of unselfish love.


We welcome Fr Gerry Briody, our Provincial, who is visiting our community and Parish this week. He will lead both weekend Masses and generally be around.
Reminder to Parish Team and Cooperators: we have a meeting with Fr Gerry on Tuesday 21st, at 7pm, in the Parish House.

Confirmation 2025 (Animate) 

If your child is in Year 8 and would like to receive the sacrament of confirmation, please register from the link below. Registration is open from Monday 13 January to Monday 17 March 2025.

Church unity service 

The local Churches Together are marking Church Unity Week with a Unity Service at the Linacre Mission on Monday, 20th January, at 7.30pm.
Everyone is welcome to join us for this service.

4th Sunday of Advent


Joseph and Mary set out for Bethlehem. When they arrived there, the time came for Mary to have her baby and she gave birth to a son. All of us are journeying to Bethlehem where we hope to be born. I know we were born once, nevertheless we are unborn in the sense that our true and full self hasn’t yet seen the light of day. When our second birth occurs, then all the gifts of grace and nature which God gives us as seeds, will blossom and bear fruit. Our ultimate goal is the heavenly Bethlehem where we shall see God face to face.

Christmas and New Year Mass Times 

Tuesday, 24th December –
First Mass of Christmas, 8pm

Wednesday, 25th December –
Christmas Day Mass, 10:30am

For the full list of Masses over the Christmas season click here.

Christmas Crib 

Please visit our Christmas crib and say a prayer for your own family and for families all over the world, many of whom will be suffering this Christmas.
Donations in the box near the crib will go to Nugent Care to help needy children and families.

Brownie Christmas Stall 

The St James’ Brownies are having a Christmas stall and raffle to raise funds for the annual census of £50 for each child and adult.
This has to be paid in February.


Fr Brian will be away for a break from 27th December until 6th January.
You will be in the capable hands of Fr Hugh and our Deacons!

Merry Christmas! 

Fr Brian and the whole Salesian community would like to wish all our Parishioners a very Happy Christmas.
May the Christ-child bless you all with peace and love at this festive time.
Make it a time for the Family and a time of great generosity.

Christmas and New Year Mass Times

Tuesday, 24th December –
Christmas Eve Mass, 10am
First Mass of Christmas, 8pm

Wednesday, 25th December –
Christmas Day Mass, 10:30am

Thursday, 26th December –
Feast of St Stephen, Mass 10am

Friday, 27th December –
Feast of St John, Mass 10am

Saturday, 28th December –
Feast of the Holy Innocents: no morning Mass
Vigil Mass for Feast of Holy Family, 6:30pm

Sunday, 29th December –
Feast of the Holy Family, Mass 10:30am

Monday, 30th December –
Christmas Octave, Mass 10am

Tuesday, 31st December –
Christmas Octave, Mass 10am

Wednesday, 1st January –
Solemnity of Mary, Mother of God, Mass 10am

Thursday, 2nd January –
Memorial of Ss. Basil and Gregory, Mass 10am

Friday, 3rd January –
Weekday of Christmas, Mass 10am

Saturday, 4th January –
Weekday of Christmas, no morning Mass
Vigil Mass of the Epiphany, Mass 6:30pm

Sunday, 5th January –
Solemnity of the Epiphany, Mass 10:30am

Monday, 6th January –
Christmas Weekday after Epiphany, Mass 10am

Masses as usual for weekdays

3rd Sunday of Advent (Gaudete Sunday)


There is a clear note of joy in today’s liturgy. Joy is a blend of laughter and tears. It consists in having a heart aglow with warmth for all one’s companions on the road of life. It is looking for the happiness that comes in small packages, knowing that big packages are few and far between. It is making the most of the present, enjoying what is at hand right now. Joy is love bubbling over into life and it can coexist with pain, Joy is the flag we fly when Christ, the Prince of peace, has taken up residence in our hearts.

Christmas and New Year Mass Times 

Tuesday, 24th December –
Christmas Eve Mass, 10am
First Mass of Christmas, 8pm

Wednesday, 25th December –
Christmas Day Mass, 10:30am

Thursday, 26th December –
Feast of St Stephen, Mass 10am

Friday, 27th December –
Feast of St John, Mass 10am

Saturday, 28th December –
Feast of the Holy Innocents: no morning Mass
Vigil Mass for Feast of Holy Family, 6:30pm

Sunday, 29th December –
Feast of the Holy Family, Mass 10:30am

Monday, 30th December –
Christmas Octave, Mass 10am

Tuesday, 31st December –
Christmas Octave, Mass 10am

Wednesday, 1st January –
Solemnity of Mary, Mother of God, Mass 10am

Thursday, 2nd January –
Memorial of Ss. Basil and Gregory, Mass 10am

Friday, 3rd January –
Weekday of Christmas, Mass 10am

Saturday, 4th January –
Weekday of Christmas, no morning Mass
Vigil Mass of the Epiphany, Mass 6:30pm

Sunday, 5th January –
Solemnity of the Epiphany, Mass 10:30am

Monday, 6th January –
Christmas Weekday after Epiphany, Mass 10am

Masses as usual for weekdays


A warm welcome to Fr Hugh Preston who is officially joining our community on 17th December.
He is looking forward very much to being with us after a short sabbatical in Ireland. Expect to see plenty of him around the Parish.

Brownie Christmas Stall 

For the next two Sundays, the St James’ Brownies are having a Christmas stall and raffle to raise funds for the annual census of £50 for each child and adult.
This has to be paid in February.


If you are in year 8 and would like to receive the sacrament of confirmation, you can register from the link below.
Registration is open from 13th January until 17th March.

2nd Sunday of Advent


Not long ago the trees were loaded with golden leaves. Though pretty to look at, they robbed me of the world beyond but now that the leaves have fallen, I am able to look through the skeletal branches to the deep blue sky beyond. Teach us, Good Lord how to take care of our material needs without neglecting our spiritual needs. How to take care of ourselves without neglecting others and how to live joyfully in this world without losing sight of the world to come.

First Confessions 

These will take place here in St James’ on Monday 9th December at 7pm.
Please pray for the children who are making the Sacrament and for their families. Everyone is welcome to attend the service.

Cafod’s World Gifts for Christmas 

This Christmas, give your loved ones something exceptional and life changing. Buying CAFOD’s virtual World Gifts makes a real difference to those facing the injustice of poverty around the world. Choose from a range of beautifully illustrated cards, each representing a gift of hope, inspired by real people and real needs. Cards can be sent by post, as an eCard, or printed at home. Purchase World Gifts and other gifts such as Advent calendars and jute bags from the link below.


The funeral Mass for Patrick Hegarty will take place here in St James’ on Wednesday 11th December at 12 noon.
Please remember Patrick and his family in your prayers.

Christmas Mass Times in Family of Parishes 

St James’
Tuesday 24th December: Vigil Mass of Christmas at 8.00pm.
Christmas day: 10.30am
More information for St James’ Mass times over Christmas coming next week.

St Monica’s:
Tuesday, 24th December: Vigil Mass of Christmas at 4pm.
Christmas Day: 9.30am

St Francis de Sales:
Tuesday, 24th December: Vigil Mass of Christmas at 6pm.
Christmas Day: 11am