Blessed are the clean of heart;
they will see God.
Blessed are the humble of heart;
they will find rest for their souls.
Blessed are the warm-hearted;
they will radiate goodness.
Blessed are those who work with the heart;
they will find joy in their work.
Blessed are those who do not lose heart;
they will find the strength to persevere.
And blessed are those who set their hearts on the Kingdom of God;
everything else will be given to them.
Flame Fundraising Quiz
Friday 21st February 7pm start.
At the Brunny on Marsh Lane.
Tickets £4.00 including quiz sheet.
Light refreshments available.
Bring your preferred tipple and food.
Raffles! Spot the Ball!
Celebration of the miraculous cure of Jack Traynor
The Archbishop of Liverpool, Archbishop Malcolm McMahon OP invites you to a historic occasion for the Archdiocese of Liverpool as we celebrate the miraculous cure of Jack Traynor with Mass and a drinks reception on Tuesday 18th February at 7pm at the Metropolitan Cathedral.
If you would like to attend please fill in the form by clicking the link below. As we are expecting it to be a popular event, we need to know numbers in advance. We are looking into the prospect of sending free coaches from each deanery area If you are interested in this, please let us know on this form so we can gauge interest. Please include your contact details so we can get in touch with further details.
Racial Justice Sunday
Our theme this year has the title ‘ Coat of Many Colours’, reflecting the increasing diversity that exists in the churches in Britain and Ireland. Both the Old Testament, or the Hebrew Bible, and the New Testament are replete with references to diversity, in this world and the Kingdom to come. One only has to reflect on verses that speak of a ‘house of prayer for all nations’ (Isaiah 56:7), the events of Pentecost (Acts 2) or the ‘multitude … from every nation’ (Revelation 7:9-17), which all include words meaning ‘every tribe and nation’, to see that ethnic diversity is part of God’s divine plan. There is little doubt that British churches, especially in the larger cities, are a microcosm of the world in a congregation, which is indeed a blessing that must be celebrated. Equally, the fact that the diversity of believers has breathed some much-needed spiritual life into our churches reveals that this is a movement of God for which He must be praised. In our reflections and sermons, members of the RJSWG and others, who hail from many parts of the globe, describe their experiences of being part of the Coat of Many Colours.
Listen to the Pastoral Letter from Archbishop Malcolm McMahon for Racial Justice Sunday below.