3rd Sunday of Lent


It isn’t the things you do, it’s the things you leave undone which give you a little heartache at the setting of the sun. The gentle word forgotten, the letter you didn’t write, the flowers you might have sent are your haunting ghosts tonight. The stone you might have lifted out of your brother’s way, the little heart-felt counsel you were hurried too much to say. The tender touch of the hand, the gentle and kindly tone, which we have no time or thought for with troubles enough of our own.

Stations of the Cross 

Join us for Stations of the Cross each Friday in Lent at 9.30am, just before Mass.

Way of the Cross Procession 

This will take place at 1pm on 12th April, starting at the Blessed Sacrament Shrine in Liverpool city centre and concluding at the Metropolitan Cathedral with a blessing from Archbishop Malcolm McMahon. All are welcome to take part.


The Funeral service for Chris Dillon will take place here in St James’ on Thursday 27th March at 12.30pm.
Please pray for the repose of Chris’s soul and the comfort of his family.

Lenten Talks 

The latest Lenten Talk organised by the Churches Together, will be on Monday 24th March, 7.30pm, at the Linacre Mission.
The theme for the evening is “Trusting”. All are welcome to join us.