2nd Sunday of Lent


All of us can experience moments of great joy because in his goodness God allows us to taste on earth the joys of the world to come. However, moments of joy, no matter how wonderful, will never satisfy the human heart. What we long for is a permanent state of happiness. But that is unattainable here. So what must we do? Like desert travellers, we must go forward from one oasis to another, with the conviction that God has a homeland prepared for us at the end of our journey. This conviction will make it possible for us to travel onwards with an ache in our heart and an unquenchable longing in our soul.

Stations of the Cross 

Join us for Stations of the Cross each Friday in Lent at 9.30am, just before Mass.

Flame 2025 

On 15th March, a large group of young people from our parish attended Flame 2025 at Wembley Arena. Organised by Youth Active, this inspiring event brought together altar servers, Brownies, students from The Salesian Academy of St John Bosco, and young parishioners for a powerful experience of worship, music, and faith.
It was an unforgettable day, made possible by the generosity of our parish community. Thank you for your support!


Carol, our Cafod representative will make a short appeal after Communion at both Masses. The usual Cafod envelopes are available at the back of Church. Please make a donation and bring them back in the next few weeks and put them on the plate. Thank you for your generosity!

Romero Mass 

This year’s Mass for St Oscar Romero will be celebrated at St Edmund of Canterbury: Thursday 20th March 2025, 62 Oxford Rd, Waterloo, Liverpool L22 8QF, 7:00PM.

Future Second Collections 

This is just advanced warning that between now and Easter we have to fit in three mandatory second collections.
Sunday 23rd March: Lenten Alms
Sunday 30th March: Nugent
Good Friday: For the Holy Places
I have yet to discover what Lenten Alms is for, but we have to have these collections which are in the Diocesan Directory. Give only what you can.