When I was young and fired with the love of God, I thought I would convert the whole world. But soon I discovered that it would be quite enough to convert the people who lived in my town, and I tried for a long time to do that, but did not succeed. Then I realised that my program was still too ambitious, so I concentrated on those of my own household. But I found I could not convert them either. Finally, it dawned on me: I must work on myself. When people complain about what’s wrong with the world, they are usually blaming somebody else. They should look at themselves first. That way, they will know they are making a difference in at least one life. We can’t take anyone farther than we’ve gone ourselves.
Ash Wednesday
This Wednesday is Ash Wednesday and is a day of fasting and abstinence to mark the start of the holy season of Lent. Masses that day will be at 10.00am and 7pm. Ashes will be blessed and distributed at both Masses.
The following weekend, 15th/16th March, Carol, our CAFOD representative, will read out an appeal from CAFOD to coincide with Family Fast Day and the next collection for CAFOD. Envelopes will be distributed that Sunday.
The Funeral Service for John Colton will take place here in St James’ on Friday 7th March at 12 noon. Please pray for the repose of John’s soul and the comfort of his family.
The Spiritans will be doing a Mission Appeal at both Masses next weekend, 8th/9th March, to raise fund for their Mission work. There will be a second collection each Mass for that purpose.