2nd Sunday in Ordinary Time


Jesus brought the wine of God’s love into the world.
Everywhere he went the old was made new.
For the couple at Cana he changed water into wine.
For the widow of Nain he changed tears into joy.
For Zacchaeus he changed selfishness into love.
For the thief on Calvary he changed despair into hope.
And on Easter morning he changed death into life.
Lord, be present with us today and throughout our lives.
And when through human weakness the wine of love is found wanting, touch our hearts and strengthen our wills so that we may taste the wine of unselfish love.


We welcome Fr Gerry Briody, our Provincial, who is visiting our community and Parish this week. He will lead both weekend Masses and generally be around.
Reminder to Parish Team and Cooperators: we have a meeting with Fr Gerry on Tuesday 21st, at 7pm, in the Parish House.

Confirmation 2025 (Animate) 

If your child is in Year 8 and would like to receive the sacrament of confirmation, please register from the link below. Registration is open from Monday 13 January to Monday 17 March 2025.

Church unity service 

The local Churches Together are marking Church Unity Week with a Unity Service at the Linacre Mission on Monday, 20th January, at 7.30pm.
Everyone is welcome to join us for this service.