14th Sunday in Ordinary Time


Disturb us, O Lord,
When we are too well pleased with ourselves;
When our dreams have come true because we dreamed too little;
When we have arrived safely because we sailed too close to the shore.
Stir us, O Lord. To dare more boldly;
To venture more seas, where storms shall show your mastery
Where losing sight of land we shall find the stars.
In the name of him who pushed back the horizons of our hopes and invited the brave to follow him. Amen


The children in our Deanery will receive the Sacrament of Confirmation from Bishop Tom Neylon on the following dates: Monday 8th July; Wednesday 10th July and Monday 15th July.
All the services are at 7pm in St Monica’s Church. You are welcome to join us for any of them.

Second Collection 

There will be a second collection for Priests in retirement on the weekend of 20th/21st July.

Parish Raffle 

For the next two weekends we will have a raffle for Parish Funds.
Exciting prizes available.


The Funeral service for Mary Disley will take place here in St James’ on Tuesday 9th July at 12 noon.
Please remember Mary and her family in your prayers.