17th Sunday in Ordinary Time


The Kingdom of Heaven is like a net cast into the sea which catches all kinds of fish. When it is full, the fisherman hauls it ashore. Then he sits down and sorts out the good fish from the bad. The good he keeps, the worthless he throws away. In a sense all of us are fishers. Each day we cast our net into the sea of life and at the end of the day we have a catch, sometimes small, sometimes large. May we take time to sift through that catch and may you, Lord, give us the wisdom to know shat to keep and what to throw away.


Farewell to Brother Nhan and Brother Reuben who are soon to leave our Salesian community. After the summer holidays they will be in London to continue their priestly studies. We wish them all the best and thank them for all their work while they’ve been here.

St Margaret Clitheroe Centre 

At the Centre, our officers are here to support all of our parishes and clergy. We welcome any questions or ideas from anyone. Please send any questions or ideas to communications@rcaol.org.uk and we will collate all submissions and share them in our communications to you. We can’t guarantee to implement all ideas, but we will discuss all at our monthly SMT meetings.

Salesian magazine 

The latest copy of the Salesian magazine is available, free, from the back of church. Please help yourselves to a copy.