Pruning Time
Pruning time is a painful time for a fruit tree. The pruner rids it of all the suckers which use up a lot of energy but produce no fruit. However, the aim of this surgery is not to inflict pain but to help the tree produce more and better fruit. Lent is a kind of spiritual pruning time. There is much that is useless and perhaps harmful in our lives which saps our energy and diminishes our spiritual fruitfulness. Of what shall we prune ourselves this Lent so that we may become more fruitful branches of Christ, the true Vine?
Jesus saying goodbye to Mary before going into the desert
Film - The Two Popes
By special request and for one night only the film “The Two Popes” starring Anthony Hopkins and Jonathan Pryce will be shown on Sunday 1st March at 7:45pm at the Plaza cinema, Crosby. Ticket price is £4. Archbishop Malcolm says “Try to watch it, it will get you thinking about the church and will give you some hope for its future.”
Fourth Synod Session
This will be held on Tuesday 3rd March at 7pm in the Priests’ house. The Theme is : “Building Community, Nurturing Belonging.” Please join us if you can.
Family Fast Day
Next Friday, 6th March, is Family Fast Day. There are envelopes available at the back of Church for your contributions. Feel free to bring them back any time during Lent and put them on the plate.
Second Collections
During Lent and Holy Week we are required to have three mandatory 2nd Collections. The first is on 8th March, for Lenten Alms; the second on 22nd March for Nugent Care and the third on Good Friday, 10th April, for The Holy Places. We will also have to have some 2nd collections to reduce the Parish debt after the work on the Tower. We will give you notice of these.
Lenten Talks
The first of this year’s Lenten Talks is in the Salvation Army on Monday 2nd March at 7pm. You are all welcome to join us.