1st Sunday of Lent


Each year the trees give us a lesson in renewal. First the bud, then the blossom, and finally the shoot. Spring dresses the trees in a new robe, and makes them young again. But this is possible only because in autumn they let go of their old leaves, and in between endured a period of nakedness. Lent is the springtime of the Spirit. Lord, help us not to be afraid to let go of old habits, and to face our spiritual poverty, in order that you may renew us, and so at Easter we will feel young again in our discipleship.

Cafod Family Fast Day 

This Friday, 23rd February, is Family Fast Day. CAFOD envelopes are available at the back of Church today. Please feel free to bring them back with your offering any time during Lent.

Stations of the Cross 

Every Friday here in St James’ at 9.30am, just before Mass.
In St Monica’s: Thursday after midday Mass; In St Francis de Sales: Friday after Mass.

Lenten Talks 

Our Lenten Talks, organised by the Churches Together, begin again this week. The First Talk is on Monday 19th February at 7.30pm in the Linacre Mission. The theme for this year is “God’s Faithfulness”. This Monday’s talk is entitled, “Let’s remember—God can be trusted to keep his promise.” Everyone is welcome to join us for these talks: perhaps a nice extra prayer time for Lent!