James and John were two opportunists. Their one aim was to rise in the ranks. To achieve their end they did not hesitate to beg. They did not mind how much envy and resentment they aroused in their companions. Their aim was to scramble up the career ladder. But at what price to themselves? In the course of their rise to the top, people lose themselves, their own souls, whatever they do or achieve will be worthless. Power hardens the human heart.
Mass times going forward
After much thought and observation, we have decided that, as from 30th October, the Mass time will be as follows:
Saturday 6:30pm—First Mass of Sunday
Sunday 10:30am—Main Sunday Mass
Daily Masses: Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday Mass at 10am
Tuesday only—Mass at 7pm (to be reviewed after a few months)
There will be no Saturday morning Mass.
We see this as an opportunity to refresh our Parish Worship and we would encourage as many people as possible to join us, particularly for our two Sunday Masses.
Please Note: the obligation to attend Mass on Sunday, which is suspended at the moment, comes back into operation on the First Sunday of Advent, 27/28 November.
The Funeral Mass for Patrick Powell will take place here in St James’ on Tuesday 19th October at 10am.
Please remember Patrick and his family in your prayers.