31st Sunday in Ordinary Time


It is only with the heart that we can repent rightly. Repentance must involve a change of heart. Anything less won't produce a new being. It will be like decapitating weeds while leaving their roots intact. But if we change our hearts, then we will change our lives too. After his encounter with Jesus, Zacchaeus' heart burst into life like a desert landscape after a rainfall. Fear can't produce a conversion of heart; only an encounter with love can. Zacchaeus' conversion was a conversion to goodness. All of us stand in need of such a conversion. We need to move from a closed heart to an open heart, from a heart of stone to a heart of flesh.

Holiday of Obligation

Tuesday of this week is the Feast of All Saints and is a Holyday of Obligation.

Parish Masses will be at 10am and 7pm.

November Dead Lists

Available at the back of church are forms for listing your dead family and friends to be remembered during the month of November. Like last year, there are no envelopes because we would ask you not to put money with the lists. We will say one Mass each week in November for the Holy Souls, but we are unable to say any more. We have too many Masses already.

Sick List

In an attempt to update our Sick List, could you let us know if there is someone who no longer needs to be on the list. I'm sure some of the babies must be at school by now!