3rd Sunday of Advent (Gaudete Sunday)


There is a clear note of joy in today’s liturgy. Joy is a blend of laughter and tears. It consists in having a heart aglow with warmth for all one’s companions on the road of life. It is looking for the happiness that comes in small packages, knowing that big packages are few and far between. It is making the most of the present, enjoying what is at hand right now. Joy is love bubbling over into life and it can coexist with pain, Joy is the flag we fly when Christ, the Prince of peace, has taken up residence in our hearts.

Christmas and New Year Mass Times 

Tuesday, 24th December –
Christmas Eve Mass, 10am
First Mass of Christmas, 8pm

Wednesday, 25th December –
Christmas Day Mass, 10:30am

Thursday, 26th December –
Feast of St Stephen, Mass 10am

Friday, 27th December –
Feast of St John, Mass 10am

Saturday, 28th December –
Feast of the Holy Innocents: no morning Mass
Vigil Mass for Feast of Holy Family, 6:30pm

Sunday, 29th December –
Feast of the Holy Family, Mass 10:30am

Monday, 30th December –
Christmas Octave, Mass 10am

Tuesday, 31st December –
Christmas Octave, Mass 10am

Wednesday, 1st January –
Solemnity of Mary, Mother of God, Mass 10am

Thursday, 2nd January –
Memorial of Ss. Basil and Gregory, Mass 10am

Friday, 3rd January –
Weekday of Christmas, Mass 10am

Saturday, 4th January –
Weekday of Christmas, no morning Mass
Vigil Mass of the Epiphany, Mass 6:30pm

Sunday, 5th January –
Solemnity of the Epiphany, Mass 10:30am

Monday, 6th January –
Christmas Weekday after Epiphany, Mass 10am

Masses as usual for weekdays


A warm welcome to Fr Hugh Preston who is officially joining our community on 17th December.
He is looking forward very much to being with us after a short sabbatical in Ireland. Expect to see plenty of him around the Parish.

Brownie Christmas Stall 

For the next two Sundays, the St James’ Brownies are having a Christmas stall and raffle to raise funds for the annual census of £50 for each child and adult.
This has to be paid in February.


If you are in year 8 and would like to receive the sacrament of confirmation, you can register from the link below.
Registration is open from 13th January until 17th March.