3rd Sunday of Lent


The following prayer was found written over the door of a Church: “Lord, make the door of this house wide enough to receive all who need human love and fellowship, narrow enough to shut out all envy, pride and strife. Make its threshold smooth enough to be no stumbling block to children, nor to straying feet. Make this house a house of prayer and a gateway to your kingdom.”

Lent Talk 

The next Lent Talk organised by the Churches Together will be on Monday 4th March at 7.30pm in the Linacre Mission. The theme this week is “Let’s make a habit of Hope.”

Stations of the Cross

Every Friday here in St James’ at 9.30am, just before Mass.
In St Monica’s: Thursday after midday Mass; In St Francis de Sales: Friday after Mass.


The Funeral Mass for Peter Culkin will take place here in St James’ on Friday 8th March at 12 noon. Please remember Peter and his family in your prayers.

Second Collection

Just to remind you that there is a second collection next Sunday, 10th March, for Nugent.


At the moment, only one of our two boilers is working, which is why the radiators are not as hot as they should be. My apologies for this. The boilers were serviced three weeks ago and have been nothing but trouble ever since! The men from Senate are coming to overhaul both boilers on Monday, so hopefully normal heat will soon be restored. Meanwhile, keep wearing your winter woollies!