4th Sunday of Easter


The deepest wound of all is that which affects the heart, the feeling that one has not been loved, that one is not precious to anyone. Many people today are wounded at heart. Each of us can do something to heal their wounds. We have hands that can make things and minds that can understand things. But above all we have hearts that can give life. We are not sterile people, we can give life to people who are inwardly broken. We can show them that they are important and so bring life to them. Today, Good Shepherd Sunday, is also vocations Sunday. But all vocations are vocations to love.

First Holy Communion

The children making their First Communion this weekend are: Owen Ovbiebo Harrison, Michelle Ovbiebo Harrison, Jay Kendrick, Connie Cousins, Patrick Bodziany, Chloe Carter, Ashley Irabor Stevens, and James Meadows.


The funeral service for Margaret Dewsbury will take place here in St James’ on Tuesday 10th May at 10am.
Please pray for Margaret and her family.

The funeral Mass for Carol Benson will take place here in St James’ on Thursday 12th May at 11.15 am.
Please pray for the repose of Carol’s soul and the comfort of her family.

Second collection

The second collection this weekend is for the Priests’ Training Fund.