Compassion is not learned without suffering. Unless we have suffered and wept, we really don’t understand what compassion is, nor can we comfort someone who is suffering. Unless we have walked in darkness, we can’t help wanderers to find their way. But if we have suffered we become pathfinders for others and it is by reaching out to others that we ourselves are healed. Jesus bore the marks of a violent world on his body. These wounds were the proof of his love They were the mortal wounds the Good Shepherd picked up in caring for his sheep.
Vocation Sunday
Today we are encouraged to pray in a special way for vocations to the priesthood and religious life. In our diocese, Archbishop Malcolm will be Ordaining Hugh Donleavy as a Deacon in a little over a month at St Charles Church in Aigburth, followed, hopefully, by 3 more ordinations to the Diaconate in Rome towards the end of the college academic year. In our Salesian Province we have a number of seminarians preparing for priesthood, and we hope to witness Deacon Ste Lloyd's ordination this summer. Please pray for our seminarians and for all those discerning a vocation to the priesthood within our Archdiocese and our Salesian Province.
If you feel the Lord might be calling you to the priesthood why not speak to your Parish Priest about it, or make contact with the Vocations Director.
Second Collection
There is a mandatory Second collection this weekend for the Priests’ Training Fund.
Holy Communions
There will be three children making their First Holy Communions at the 10:30am Mass next Sunday, 7th May.