Corpus Christi


“Blessed are the hungry; they shall get their fill.”
It is in our emptiness that we are filled.
It is in our confusions that we are guided.
It is in our weakness that we are strengthened.
It is in our sins that we are forgiven.
It is in our hunger that we are fed.
We believe that God has a homeland prepared for us where all our hungers will be satisfied and all our hopes will be fulfilled.
This conviction makes it possible for us to travel onwards with an ache in our hearts and an unquenchable longing in our souls.


Ann Kirby is having a small raffle this weekend to send a young person to Lourdes.
Please help her if you can.

Second Collection

 There is a mandatory second collection for “Day for Life” next weekend.

Brother Ste’s ordination 

Just a reminder that contributions to Ste’s gift need to be in by the end of June. Envelopes still available at the back of Church.


The funeral service for Reg Leech will take place here in St James’ on Tuesday 13th June at 11.30am. Please remember Reg and his family in your prayers.