Gaudete Sunday (3rd Sunday of Advent)

A reed in the wind

John the Baptist was no reed swaying in the wind. A reed swaying in the wind is a symbol of those who are easily influenced, who go along with whatever is popular and who have no convictions of their own.

But the humble reed can teach us something. The fact that it is light means that it is at the mercy of every wind that blows but it has great strength too. The greatest storm cannot uproot it, even when giant oaks come crashing down, the slender reed still stands secure.

Lord, teach us that there is strenght in weakness and suppleness and give us the wisdom to know when to bend and when to stand firm.

Date for your diary
A Christmas Social for all our Parish workers will be held in the Sacristy on Friday 20th December at 7pm.

A Dementia Friendly Carol Service
With Archbishop Malcolm McMahon will be held at the Metropolitan Cathedral on Thursday 19th December at 2pm. Refreshments will be served afterwards in the Gibberd room and everyone is most welcome.

The Funeral Mass for Lisa Seddon will take place here in St James’ on Tuesday 17th December at 1.30pm.  Please pray for Lisa and her family.

The Funeral Mass for Rose Mosey will take place here in St James’ on Thursday 19th December at 10am.  Please remember Rose and her family in your prayers.

Reflection for Gaudete Sunday (3rd Sunday of Advent)