The prodigal son came home empty handed, he had no trophies to show his father, no achievement with which to earn his praise, his welcome and his love. He was a failure. Worse—he was a sinner. He deserved to be punished and he knew it. Yet punishment was the last thing he needed. To punish him would be like pouring water on a dying fire. What happened? When the father saw his lost son coming towards him, his heart went out to him and next minute they were in each other’s arms. It is an extraordinary experience to be loved in one’s sinfulness. Such love is like a breeze to a dying fire, or rain falling on parched ground. Those who have experienced this kind of love, know something about the heart of God.
First Communion sign up
After Mass today, first communicants will be signing up to the Sunday of their choice for making their First Holy Communion.
Diocesan Ukraine Appeal
A message from the diocesan office has come to us asking that no more goods be donated. They can only accept money or medical supplies.
The Funeral Service for James Powell will take place here in St James’ on Monday 28th March at 11.45am. Please remember James and his family in your prayers.
Mother’s Day
Happy mother’s day to all mums and grandmas! Enjoy your special day!