Palm Sunday


Jesus said: “I am the good shepherd; the good shepherd lays down his life for his sheep.”

Jesus did not have to suffer and die. He had a choice.
He chose to suffer and die because he cared about the flock God had entrusted to him.

What Jesus wants from us is not our suffering but a life of love and service. Such a life will inevitably bring suffering.
But Jesus supports all those who follow him down the road of faithful love and generous service.

Holy Week and Easter Services

Palm Sunday: Mass at 10am
Holy Thursday: Mass at 7pm
Good Friday: Service of the Passion at 3pm
Holy Saturday: Easter Vigil at 8pm
Easter Sunday: Mass at 10am

Under Covid rules, only 56 people are allowed at each Mass/Service with Holy Communion at the end.
The format of each Mass/Service will be altered as there are certain things we are not allowed to do.

Chrism Mass

This will be celebrated in the Cathedral on Wednesday 31st March at 6pm. A restricted number of lay people are able to attend the Mass but need tickets to do so.

Application for tickets should be made to Claire Hanlon by Email: The Mass will also be streamed live on Youtube and Facebook.

Special Collection for Good Friday

There is a special collection for the Holy Places, which is traditional for Good Friday. The collection will be taken as you leave Church at the end of the service.
