

It was late spring and the buds still refused to open. Tightly wrapped up in themselves, they were as hard as stones. The wind shook them. The hail beat them. The frost squeezed them in a fist of iron. All three shouted, “Open up! Open up! Instead of opening up, the buds reinforced their shells and retreated even more deeply into themselves. Then along came the sun. It issued no threats and made no demands, it just created a more friendly climate. And what happened? Almost overnight the buds began to soften and expand. Then their shells cracked and they burst out. If you love, you are gentle and there are certain tasks which only gentleness can accomplish.

Brother Ste’s ordination  

A number of people have asked me if the Parish intends to give Bro Ste Lloyd some kind of present for his Ordination. The answer is Yes! If you would like to contribute something towards that present, you will find envelopes at the back of Church with his name on. Please put any donation you want to give into the envelope and return it any time you come to Mass. Can I ask for any donations to be in by the end of June. Thank you.

Churches Together - Two Cathedrals Walk

Sunday 28th May 3-5pm, a walk from Liverpool Anglican Cathedral to Metropolitan Cathedral. This year the 2 Cathedrals Pentecost walk and celebration will begin at Liverpool Cathedral, led by Bishop John Perumbalath. The celebrations are entitled: ‘One Church’, Many Nations, Journeying Together in Hope. For further information, please click the link below.

First Communions 

The children making their First Communion this Sunday: Mia Godlewska, Oscar Malicki, Harriet Taylor, Kitty McLeod, Libby Simpson, Adaeze-Rea Onuorah, Lucas Hughes, Nina Paniewska, Mason Hughes, Alex Ras.

Please keep them in your prayers.


The Funeral service for George Muirhead will take place here in St James’ on Friday 2nd June at 11.45am. Please remember George and his family in your prayers.