The Feast of St John Bosco


The Holy Spirit spoke to Don Bosco through many different means, including dreams. As a nine year old boy, the Spirit revealed to him the scope and purpose of his life: to teach the young the ugliness of sin (life outside the life giving power of the Spirit) and the beauty of virtue (a life crafted in response to the Spirit's promptings).

To the young, the poor and the abandoned of Turin’s Industrial revolution, the Holy Spirit sent Don Bosco to stir up new flames of hope from the ashes of despair, to breathe transforming dignity into places of shame, and to enkindle a network of meaningful relationships through education, faith formation and responsible social service. Thus, generations were freed from the bleak, dehumanizing cycle of poverty and exploitation… and the ever-expanding Salesian family was born.

In apostolic times, the Holy Spirit commissioned Christian disciples to become witnesses of the Lord, even to the ends of the earth. That same Spirit would inspire Don Bosco to send Salesian missionaries beyond Italy to every continent on the planet. Ever since November 11, 1875, Salesian missionaries have brought the Gospel to every continent, to peoples awaiting the Springtime of Divine Love, inviting them to join the symphony of joy and optimism that comes through knowledge of Christ and active membership in his Body, the Church.

Summary of latest Covid guidelines from the Archbishop

Face coverings are strongly recommended for everyone attending services. There should be the opportunity to sanitise hands before and after entry into church. There should be a return to the normal mode of celebrating Mass and other liturgies though Holy Communion will remain under one kind only (The Sacred Host). There is no longer any need for social distancing. Good ventilation should continue. Holy Water, the sign of peace and use of hymn books can be restored.



The funeral Mass for Mary Dunne will take place here in St James’ on Thursday 3rd February at 10am. Please pray for the repose of Mary’s soul and the comfort of the family.

3rd Sunday in Ordinary Time


Jesus stood up to read from the prophet Isaiah. It was a passage about the coming Messiah. Here he is announcing himself as the Messiah: “the spirit of the Lord has been given to me”. What follows is a “mission statement” of his kingdom - bringing good news to the poor, liberty to captives, sight to the blind. Jesus is the servant king. We are called to be the same. Jesus tells his hearers that, with his own coming, God is visiting his people right now. And he’s visiting every single one of his people, from that day to this.

Sacrament of Confirmation

Any young person currently in Year 8 (or above) is welcome to register to receive the sacrament of confirmation. Registration will close on Monday 21st March. To register they can visit the link below and click ‘Register for Confirmation’ at the top right hand side of the page. Information about the preparation scheme that young people will follow can also be found on the Liverpool Called website.

Feast of John Bosco

Next Sunday, 30th January, we will celebrate the Feast of Saint Bosco, founder of the Salesians, here in the Parish. We are delighted to say that the new Bishop, Bishop Tom Naylon, has agreed to come and celebrate the Mass with us on the Sunday at 10.30am. I know you will give him a warm welcome.

Second Collection

The second collection today is for the White Flower Appeal on behalf of SPUC. There is information material at the back of Church to take away.

2nd Sunday in Ordinary Time


Jesus brought the wine of God’s love into the world.
Everywhere he went the old was made new.
For the couple at Cana he changed water into wine.
For the widow of Nain he changed tears into joy.
For Zacchaeus he changed selfishness into love.
For the thief on Calvary he changed despair into hope.
And on Easter morning he changed death into life.
Lord, be present with us today and throughout our lives.
And when through human weakness the wine of love is found wanting, touch our hearts and strengthen our wills so that we may taste the wine of unselfish love.

Thank you from CAFOD

Thank you to all parishioners at St James for your generous support of Cafod this year and for your latest donation of £496.87.

Universal Synod 2023

Archbishop Malcolm is calling us to take part in the listening phase of the Universal Synod on synodality 2023, which Pope Francis has invited us all to join. Although we have already engaged with the process as part of Synod 2020, we may find ourselves in a different place on our journey. This may include fresh insights, which will be submitted to the Bishops’ Conference with the summary of the listening phases of Synod 2020. Download discussion questions and submit your responses from 10 Jan to 10 March by clicking on the link below.

Second Collection

Next Sunday, 23rd January, there will be a second collection for the White Flower Appeal on behalf of SPUC. There will be some information material at the back of Church to take away.

The Baptism of the Lord


Lord Jesus, touch our eyes so that we may see the signs of your presence in our lives and in the world.
Touch our ears so that we may hear your word.
Touch our tongues so that we may profess our faith.
Touch our hands so that we may give and receive.
Touch our feet so that we may walk in your paths.
Touch our minds so that we may understand your ways.
Touch our wills so that they may be in tune with your will.
Touch our hearts so that we may bring your love to our brothers and sisters, to the praise and glory of God.

Tuesday Mass

Tuesday Mass is back to 7pm for the next few weeks but whether we continue with this time is under discussion.

Universal Synod 2023

Archbishop Malcolm is calling us to take part in the listening phase of the Universal Synod on synodality 2023, which Pope Francis has invited us all to join. Although we have already engaged with the process as part of Synod 2020, we may find ourselves in a different place on our journey. This may include fresh insights, which will be submitted to the Bishops’ Conference with the summary of the listening phases of Synod 2020. Download discussion questions and submit your responses from 10 Jan to 10 March by clicking on the link below.


The Funeral for Sarah Hardacre will take place here in St James’ on Tuesday 11th January at 11.30am.

Please pray for the repose of her soul and the comfort of her family.

Happy Christmas

Christmas greetings from the Parish Team at St James’ Parish, Bootle.

Thank you for all your support and help over this past year and may 2022 bring you ever greater joy and blessing.

Christmas Mass Times

Please join us for family Eucharist for Christmas

Friday December 24th, 2021
7.30pm-First Mass of Christmas

Saturday December 25th, 2021
10.30am-Christmas day Mass

Sunday December 26th, 2021
10.30am Mass of The Holy Family

Saturday January 1st, 2022
10.30am Mary the Mother of God

Sunday January 2nd, 2022
10.30am Second Sunday after Christmas

Monday January 3rd, 2022
10.00am The Most Holy Name of Jesus

Thursday 6th January, 2022
10.00am Mass of the Epiphany

Merry Christmas!

Fr Brian, Fr Jim and the whole Salesian Community would to wish all our Parishioners and friends a very Happy and Joy-filled Christmas.
We hope you have an enjoyable but safe time with your families.

Christmas Message from the Most Reverend Malcolm McMahon

Christmas is a special time and at the heart of our celebrations is the fact that God became man for us. Two thousand years ago there wasn’t a feast of Christmas yet there was still expectation as people longed for the coming of the Messiah.

I am sure celebrations were far from the minds of the shepherds on a cold, bleak hillside yet suddenly the angel of the Lord appeared to them. The first words of the angel were “Do not be afraid...” We need those words today as, weighed down with the cares of life we fear for the future but Christmas gives us hope as we know that Christ is with us.

The message of peace and goodwill means it is a time for us to reach out to others, especially those in need. During the pandemic we have renewed our spirit of care and generosity, we have reached out to others and offered them hope and readily give thanks to those who care.

When we gather as far as restrictions allow, remember what it is to be a family no matter how few we are or how distant from one another. May our families have the child Jesus at their centre as a source of love and strength. May this Christmas time be happy, blessed and peaceful.

2nd Sunday of Advent


Not long ago the trees were loaded with golden leaves. Though pretty to look at, they robbed me of the world beyond. But now that the leaves have fallen I am able to look through the skeletal branches to the deep blue sky beyond.

Teach us, Good Lord, how to take care of our material needs without neglecting our spiritual needs; how to take care of ourselves without neglecting others; and how to live joyfully in this world without losing sight of the world to come.

The Pastoral Plan open meetings

The Pastoral Plan for the archdiocese was launched by the Archbishop last weekend. You can access the full plan in PDF and audio format from the link below. To find out more you are welcome to any of these open meetings:

Tuesday 7 Dec 8:30pm in Holy Rosary Aintree L10 2LG
Thursday 9 Dec 8:30pm on zoom (access the meeting from the link below).  

SVP Foodbank

In the lead up to Christmas, our SVP are asking for donations of dried food and toiletries etc for those who are struggling in our locality. If you could place your donations in the box at the back of Church, we would be very grateful.

First Confessions

The children who are due to make their First Communion next May, will be making their First Confession here in St James’ on Monday 6th December at 7pm. Please pray for the children and their families.

1st Sunday of Advent


Again Advent, the time of grace, has arrived. We use this time to prepare for the coming of Christ. To prepare well, we need to think what we do when we prepare for the arrival of an expected guest. We first consider the person who is to come, their importance. The second thought is of the relationship in which we stand to them. Jesus, whom we expect, is the King of kings, the Lord of hosts, to whom all power in heaven and upon earth is given. Let us cleanse our hearts, especially in this holy season. Let us fill them with thoughts of love, so that we may say with David: “My heart is prepared!”.

The Pastoral Plan

On this 1st weekend of Advent, the beginning of a new Church year, we are delighted to be able to receive the pastoral plan. As the Archbishop has said: “This is to chart the way forward for the archdiocese in the years to come.” The Plan will be available online at the link below: 


or you can arrange to purchase it from Pauline Books and Media, 84 Church Street, Liverpool at a cost of £2 per copy.
There is a summary document for you at Mass this weekend and a postcard for you to take home containing some of the key words from the plan and details of how to access the pastoral plan online.

To find out more, you are welcome to any of these open meetings:

  • Saturday 4th Dec 11.00am – 12.30pm in St Mary’s Church, Leyland

  • Tuesday 7th Dec 7.00pm – 8.30pm in Holy Rosary Church, Aintree

  • Thursday 9th Dec 7.00pm – 8.30pm (on Zoom).

For the Thursday meeting clink the link below:


Meeting ID: 864 2151 2557 Passcode: 132667

SVP Foodbank

In the lead up to Christmas, our SVP are asking for donations of dried food and toiletries etc for those who are struggling in our locality. If you could place your donations in the box at the back of Church, we would be very grateful.

Nugent Charity

Nugent has a number of festive initiatives including: Christmas cards; Light up a Life services at the Cathedral and at St Teresa’s Church Upholland; BTR Liverpool Santa Dash; Christmas Jumper day and Christmas Appeal.

For more details please visit:



The Funeral Service for William Vogel will take place here in St James’ on Friday 3rd December at 11.45am. Please remember William and his family in your prayers.

Christ the King


In November 2020, Pope Francis called for a relaunch of World Youth Day (previously celebrated annually on Palm Sunday) and asked the global Catholic community to celebrate locally on the Solemnity of Christ the King, on Sunday, 21st November 2021.

It will be a day for the world to recognise and celebrate Christ the King with young people in our local church communities, whether that be through school, at home, or of course in church. For us, in England and Wales, there will be a number of resources made available for all settings including home, school, parish, university and individual.

Reminder - Remembrance Mass

On Saturday 27th November at 11am, here in Church, we will celebrate a Mass for all those who have died over the last two years and who were connected to our Parish.

Invitation will go out to the families of the bereaved, but everyone is welcome to join our celebration.

Remembrance Sunday


At the 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month the guns fell silent on the Western Front to bring to an end the First World War. Our nation and commonwealth has recalled that moment through our Armistice and Remembrance events down the decades; decades during which the men and women of our armed services have continued to pay the ultimate sacrifice. And so over 100 years later, we stand here today to remember lives sacrificed in the service of our Country and those traumatised and injured in conflict. May we have such a devotion to justice and freedom that the heroism of all who fought and still fight, may continue to be remembered in a nation of service and in a world of peace.

Remembrance Mass

On Saturday 27th November at 11am, here in Church, we will celebrate a Mass for all those who have died over the last two years and who were connected to our Parish.

Invitation will go out to the families of the bereaved, but everyone is welcome to join our celebration.


The funeral service for Grace Cooper will take place here in St James’ on Wednesday 17th November at 1.15pm.

Please pray for Grace and for her family.

All Saints


Remember that you have only one soul; that you have only one death to die; that you have only one life to live, which is short and has to be lived by you alone; and that there is only one glory, which is eternal. If you do this, there will be many things about which you care nothing.
(St Teresa of Avila)

November Dead Lists

Available at the back of Church are forms for listing your dead family and friends to be remembered during the month of November. There are no envelopes because we would ask you not to put money with the lists. We will say one Mass each week in November for the Holy Souls, but we are unable to say any more. We have too many Masses already.

Prayer for COP26

Loving God, we praise your name with all you have created. You are present in the whole universe, and in the smallest of creatures. We acknowledge the responsibilities you have placed upon us as stewards of your creation. May the Holy Spirit inspire all political leaders at COP26 as they seek to embrace the changes needed to foster a more sustainable society. Instill in them the courage and gentleness to implement fairer solutions for the poorest and most vulnerable, and commit their nations to the care of Our Common Home. We ask this through Our Lord Jesus Christ your Son. Amen.