3rd Sunday in Ordinary Time


The call of the disciples has changed their lives forever. They are not only to hear the word of God but act on it. So the first disciples leave everything and follow Jesus. Jesus will go on to teach the disciples a new way of life, for they cannot be open to the work of God unless they have their ears opened by his Word. Jesus recognises our skills. We have our own mission, given to us by Jesus, and we are part of Sacred Space. We pray, ‘Jesus, show me what I need to leave behind to be a good disciple. Do not let me fall far behind you and lose sight of you. Keep me close.’

An Update from the Deanery Synodal Council

A lot has happened since Archbishop Malcolm began Synod 2020 back in October 2018, so you could be forgiven for thinking that it had all gone away, but the opposite is true. Each deanery now has a Deanery Synodal Council, with representatives from each parish attending meetings every six to eight weeks. These councils  have been formed to contribute to the delivery of the pastoral plan at local level. We aim to do this by working in partnership with all the parishes in our deanery and by collaborating effectively with clergy to make improvements and get ready for the future whatever it may bring. In the year to come we plan create opportunities to bring people together from across the Deanery to celebrate the good work already being done in our parishes and to actively explore how we can share best practice and cooperate to better serve our communities and relieve pressure on our priests. We would love to get feedback from you, in fact, it is essential that you let us know what you think and feel so that any decisions made about future changes are fully informed by what God is saying through his people. You have been steadfast in your support for our church so far, now you have a chance to be directly involved in planning for and shaping the future. I look forward to speaking to you soon.

Knock Pilgrimages 

Escorted Pilgrimage to Knock Shrine, Ireland, 26th June 2023.  £699.00 per person sharing. Price includes flight, all transfers, 4 nights’ in Knock House Hotel with full board.  All entertainment and excursions included.  Day trips to Westport, Ballintubber Abbey, Croagh Patrick, Fr. Peyton Centre & National Museum.  Single supplement £150.00.  Contact Patricia on 01268 762 278 or 07740 175557 or email  knockpilgrimages@gmail.com

Feast of Saint John Bosco  

Next Sunday we will be celebrating the Feast of Saint John Bosco, as it’s the Sunday nearest to the actual Feast day (31st). The readings and prayers will be from the Mass of Saint John Bosco.


The second collection this weekend is for the work of SPUC  (Society for the Protection of Unborn Children). Cards mentioning the White Flower Appeal are available at the back of Church.

2nd Sunday in Ordinary Time


The Bishops of England and Wales invite us to make today a day of prayer for peace and to reflect on the theme chosen by Pope Francis for the annual World Day of Peace (yet to be announced). Much has changed in the twelve months since we last celebrated ‘Peace Sunday’. War returned to our continent last February with Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. Then in November the COP27 talks in Egypt brought new focus on the existential threat that climate change brings to many communities—especially the poorest—due to deforestation, desertification, extreme weather events and sea-level rise. Present conflict and the prospect of future conflict both lie before us as we begin a new year.

All the more reason then to proclaim Christ once more as Prince of Peace and to entrust our world to his mercy.

Sacrament of Confirmation

The website for registration for the Sacrament of Confirmation will open on 16th January and close on 17th March. Any young person in Year 8 can register for Sacramental preparation from the link below. While the registration period is open, Animate will visit schools in the diocese to promote the Sacrament. At the same time schools will teach about the sacrament in their RE classes.


The Funeral Service for Val Watson will take place here in St James’ on Monday 16th January at 1pm.
Please pray for the repose of Val’s soul and the comfort of her family.    

A Big Thank You

Deacon Mike Bennett would like to thank all those who sponsored him for his walk. The grand total raised was £290. Thanks to all those who contributed!

The Baptism of the Lord


Baptism was not over and done with the day we were taken to the font. We are baptised by all that happens to us in life. We are baptised by hardship; in its turbulent waters we are purified of all that is false and useless. We are baptised by suffering; in its murky waters we grow in humility and compassion. We are baptised by joy; in its gurgling waters we experience the goodness of life. We are baptised by love; in its singing waters we blossom like flowers in the sun. Baptism is like the planting of a seed. It will take a lifetime for this seed to grow and ripen.

Mass for Pope Emeritus Benedict

The Most Reverend Malcolm McMahon OP, Archbishop of Liverpool will celebrate Mass for the repose of the soul of Pope Emeritus Benedict at the Metropolitan Cathedral on Tuesday 10th January at 7pm. All are welcome to attend.


The funeral service for Paul Anthony Calland will take place here at St James’ at 1pm on Tuesday 10th January followed by interment at Bootle Cemetery at 2pm.

Please pray for the repose of Paul’s soul and the comfort of his family.


Merry Christmas!

Today we celebrate the Nativity of Our Lord. Fr Brian, Fr Jim and the whole Salesian Community at St James’ would like to wish all our Parishioners a very Happy and Joy-filled Christmas. May God bless your families with peace and rest and may Santa be good to you!

Message from Archbishop Malcolm

Our times may be uncertain, and our Christmas may be different this year but the reason for our celebrations remains unchanged. Our annual celebration of Christmas is one of love and peace and nothing can change that. We believe that our love for one another is a sign of God’s love for us - ‘God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son’ – and through our celebrations we give thanks to God for sending us Jesus, born of Mary in Bethlehem, announced by the angels, and visited by those shepherds and later by wise men. It is the love of God that shines through this great feast, and we show that love by the ways in which we reach out to those around us. To our relatives and friends, to those alone at Christmas, to those in need who have much less than ourselves and by the way in which we welcome those seeking refuge in our country. May this Christmas be a time of hope for us all. I wish you a happy, peaceful and blessed Christmas.

Guiding Star

Lord, the sight of the guiding star brought hope, courage and joy to those who had journeyed to find you. When our journey seems long, when hope seems far away, when our courage is failing fill us with faith and trust; shine your light on our fears, lift our hearts with your joy. Help us to recognise you in our brothers and sisters throughout the world; show us how we can work together so that we may all come to share in the life promised to us by Jesus, the Saviour of us all. Amen

4th Sunday of Advent


As Christmas approaches, people’s hopes soar. However the substance of these hopes is often dictated by commercial interests. Little wonder, then, that when the sun goes down on Christmas Day, many feel disappointed. Those who pin their hopes on what the merchants promise will always be disappointed. Not because they promise too little but too much—of the wrong thing. What our hearts long for is a taste of what the angels announced to the shepherds: ‘Behold, I bring news of great joy; today a saviour has been born to you.’ This joy is the real hope of Christmas. Let us open our hearts to receive it.

Christmas Mass Times

Saturday, 24th December 2022
7:30pm - First Mass of Christmas

Sunday, 25th December 2022
10:30am - Christmas day Mass

Friday, 30th December 2022
10:00am - Mass of The Holy Family

Saturday, 31st December 2022
6:30pm - Vigil of Mary the Mother of God

Sunday, 1st January 2023
10:30am - Mary the Mother of God

Tuesday, 3rd January 2023
10:00am - The Most Holy Name of Jesus

Friday, 6th January 2023
10:00am and 7pm - Mass of the Epiphany

The rest of the Masses at normal times. At the back of the church there is also a small leaflet which gives the above Mass times. Feel free to take a leaflet home for your information.

Confession for Christmas

The Sacrament of Reconciliation will be available on Wednesday 21st December between 11.30am and 12.30pm. The Sacrament is, of course, available any time on request.

CAFOD Christmas Fun Run

 As usual this will take place on 27th December at Wavertree Athletics Stadium, Wellington Road, Liverpool, L15 4LE. Registration is at 10am for 11am start. Click the link below for more information.

Churches together Carols

 Churches Together in Bootle are Carol Singing in ASDA on Monday 19th December between 6pm and 7pm. If anyone would like to join us, we would be delighted to see you.

3rd Sunday of Advent


John the Baptist was no reed swaying in the wind. A reed swaying in the wind is a symbol of those who are easily influenced, who go along with whatever is popular and who have no convictions of their own.
But the humble reed can teach us something. The fact that it is light means that it is at the mercy of every wind that blows. But it has great strength too. The greatest storm cannot uproot it, even when giant oaks come crashing down, the slender reed still stands secure.

Lord, teach us that there is strenght in weakness and suppleness and give us the wisdom to know when to bend and when to stand firm.

Carols by Candlelight

There is a Carols by Candlelight service to be held on Wednesday 14th December at the Irenaeus Centre, 32 Great Georges Road, L22 1RD. All are welcome. There is no charge but any donations are gratefully received. To book send an email to jenny@irenaeus.co.uk

CAFOD Advent prayers and resources

 'Pray this Advent' and 'Prayers for Christmas' Daily Advent calendar reflections are available on the CAFOD's website. You can receive them straight to your inbox if you sign up from the link below

Justice and Peace Advent Reflection Resources

 Prepared for the National Justice and Peace Network of England and Wales, this has an A4 sheet for each week of Advent on the themes: living in harmony with nature; inviting Christ into our lives; waiting with joyful expectation; and bringing hope. Visit the link below to download.

2nd Sunday of Advent


Hope is the thing with feathers
That perches in the soul
And sings the tune without the words
And never stops at all.
And sweetest in the gale is heard;
And sore must be the storm
That could abash the little bird
That kept so many warm.
I’ve heard it in the chillest land
And on the strangest sea;
Yet never in extremity
It asked a crumb of me.

Emily Dickinson

Sponsored walk

If you wish to support our Deacon, Mike Bennett, in his fundraising efforts to take children to Lourdes, the link below to sponsor Mike is still active and the sponsor forms are still available at the back of church.

First Confession

This Monday, 5th December, the children who are due to make First Communion, will be making their First Confession here in the Church at 7pm. Please pray for the children and their families.


The Funeral service for Margie Tyman will take place here in St James’ on Tuesday 6th December at 11.30am.
Please pray for the repose of Margie’s soul and the comfort of her family.

1st Sunday of Advent


God's plan of salvation is centred in Christ and realised through him. Advent looks back at the promise of his first coming, when that plan was announced. And it looks forward to his second coming, when that plan will reach it’s fulfilment. And, of course, it celebrates his actual coming in time. The First Readings of the Advent Sundays (from Isaiah) are concerned with the Messiah and the messianic times. Isaiah kept the hopes of the people alive in very dark times. In today’s reading we have the theme of universal peace and salvation. The Gospel and the Second Reading deal with the Lord’s second coming, which the first Christians believed was imminent. Both readings convey a sense of urgency through phrases such as, ‘Wake up’, ‘Stay awake’, ‘Stand Ready’.

Sponsored walk

Deacon Mike Bennett will be taking part in a sponsored walk on Sunday 18th December dressed as a reindeer! The event is to support the All Saints Kirkby Lourdes Pilgrimage where Mike is aiming to take 40 students on pilgrimage. Click the link below to sponsor the pilgrimage or use one of the sponsor forms available at the back of church.

Encircling prayer

Circle me Lord. Keep protection near; keep danger afar.
Circle me Lord. Keep hope within; keep doubt without.
Circle me Lord. Keep light near; keep darkness afar.
Circle me Lord. Keep peace within; keep strife without.
Circle me Lord. Keep love within; keep hate without.

Christ the King


On the cross Jesus endured insults and mockery yet his heart remained open, even to his enemies. He absorbed all the violence, transformed it and returned it as love and forgiveness. One’s pain can so easily turn into rage so that one wants only to lash out blindly at whoever happens to be within range. From the depths of his own pain, Jesus reached out to comfort the thief. Some people are like sugar cane: even when crushed in the mill, what they yield is sweetness. Jesus stretches our capacity for compassion, He challenges our idea of love. Each of us has a great capacity for love. The pity is that it often goes unused. By our love, people will know that we are followers of Christ the King.

National Youth Sunday

This weekend, on the Feast of Christ the King, the Church in England and Wales celebrates National Youth Sunday. On this day, we celebrate the young people in our parish and community and all the gifts and talents they share with us. This year the theme is 'Rise up!' —inspired by Flame 2023. Today is the chance for all our young people to be re-awakened and reconnected to this call to live.

Memorial Mass

The annual Memorial Mass, when we pray for those who have died in the last year, will be held here in St James’ on Saturday 26th November at 11am. Everyone is invited to join us for the occasion.


The funeral Mass for Mary Nelson will take place here in St James’ on Thursday 24th November at 12 noon. Please pray for the repose of Mary’s soul and the comfort of her family.

31st Sunday in Ordinary Time


It is only with the heart that we can repent rightly. Repentance must involve a change of heart. Anything less won't produce a new being. It will be like decapitating weeds while leaving their roots intact. But if we change our hearts, then we will change our lives too. After his encounter with Jesus, Zacchaeus' heart burst into life like a desert landscape after a rainfall. Fear can't produce a conversion of heart; only an encounter with love can. Zacchaeus' conversion was a conversion to goodness. All of us stand in need of such a conversion. We need to move from a closed heart to an open heart, from a heart of stone to a heart of flesh.

Holiday of Obligation

Tuesday of this week is the Feast of All Saints and is a Holyday of Obligation.

Parish Masses will be at 10am and 7pm.

November Dead Lists

Available at the back of church are forms for listing your dead family and friends to be remembered during the month of November. Like last year, there are no envelopes because we would ask you not to put money with the lists. We will say one Mass each week in November for the Holy Souls, but we are unable to say any more. We have too many Masses already.

Sick List

In an attempt to update our Sick List, could you let us know if there is someone who no longer needs to be on the list. I'm sure some of the babies must be at school by now!