4th Sunday of Easter


Compassion is not learned without suffering. Unless we have suffered and wept, we really don’t understand what compassion is, nor can we comfort someone who is suffering. Unless we have walked in darkness, we can’t help wanderers to find their way. But if we have suffered we become pathfinders for others and it is by reaching out to others that we ourselves are healed. Jesus bore the marks of a violent world on his body. These wounds were the proof of his love They were the mortal wounds the Good Shepherd picked up in caring for his sheep.


Vocation Sunday

Today we are encouraged to pray in a special way for vocations to the priesthood and religious life. In our diocese, Archbishop Malcolm will be Ordaining Hugh Donleavy as a Deacon in a little over a month at St Charles Church in Aigburth, followed, hopefully, by 3 more ordinations to the Diaconate in Rome towards the end of the college academic year. In our Salesian Province we have a number of seminarians preparing for priesthood, and we hope to witness Deacon Ste Lloyd's ordination this summer. Please pray for our seminarians and for all those discerning a vocation to the priesthood within our Archdiocese and our Salesian Province.

If you feel the Lord might be calling you to the priesthood why not speak to your Parish Priest about it, or make contact with the Vocations Director.

Second Collection

There is a mandatory Second collection this weekend for the Priests’ Training Fund.

Holy Communions 

There will be three children making their First Holy Communions at the 10:30am Mass next Sunday, 7th May.

3rd Sunday of Easter


All through life’s day, you walk with us Lord but often we don’t recognise you for we are blinded by work and worry, doubt, confusion and fear and so you remain a stranger to us. Before the day’s end we will ask many questions, experience many sorrows and disappointments and then suddenly, whether we are young, middle-aged or old, we will find that night is approaching. In that moment we pray that, like the disciples on the road to Emmaus, our eyes will be opened and that we will recognise you and you will not vanish from our sight but stay with us to guide us to the Father’s house.

Coronation invitation  

James Hansen, a former pupil of Savio school has been invited to Buckingham Palace to celebrate the coronation of King Charles III. His mum, Elizabeth, a cleaner in All Saints has been invited to accompany him. What an honour for our parish and local community. James will be representing Sefton.

Second Collection  

The next mandatory Second collection is for the Priests’ Training Fund, and will be taken on Sunday 30th April.

Divorced? Separated? 

Meet in a small group for a gentle day of accurate information, non-intrusive support and confidential encouragement. Saturday 13th May from 10am to 4pm at the Iranaeus Centre, Great Georges Road, Waterloo, L22 1RD. Free but donations welcome. A light lunch will be provided. For more information or to make a booking (essential), please contact Frances Trotman on 0151 727 2195



As long as the sun comes over the hills, scatters the darkness and fills the world with light; as long as the fields get green again and the primroses and violets return; as long as the trees fill up again with leaves, there is hope for us and for the world. So come, let us follow the footsteps of spring for the snow has melted and life is awakening from its sleep and wanders through the hills and valleys. Come let us ascend the heights and gaze upon the waving greenness of the plains below. O come let us rejoice on this Easter Day for death has folded up his tent and gone away.

Happy Easter!  

Fr Brian, Fr Jim and the Salesian Community would like to wish all our parishioners a very Happy Easter. May the Risen Lord bless your families and grant peace and hope to all who are suffering throughout the world.

Archbishop’s Easter Message

As we continue to see so much uncertainty in the political sphere, both local and global, we are called to return to the source, to the risen Jesus, who reminds us that there will be suffering, but ultimately glory; the glory of the life of God given to each of us in His son, Jesus Christ. The glory given to us is the culmination of a journey – a journey of hope. The disciples hoped for the Messiah and found him in Jesus, yet their journey wasn’t an easy one. They experienced that darkness of Good Friday and felt lost as their hope turned to despair, as their lives were turned upside down. Yet, three days later on Easter morning their lives were completely transformed as the tomb was empty and the risen Lord was truly with them again. It is hope which is part of the journey of so many - refugees and asylum seekers longing for peace, safety and a better life – may we welcome them with the peace of the risen Christ. May we bring light to the darkness of the people of Ukraine and join with them in their hope for peace. May we welcome the light of the Risen Christ into the darkness of our lives so that we can see what hope his call holds for us. May the Risen Lord touch our hearts and lives with His hope, peace, and life this Easter Day.

Gift Aid 

Please consider joining the gift aid scheme if you are a taxpayer. We can claim 25p from the taxman for every £1 you donate. Please see Bob if you wish to join.

Palm Sunday


Lord, remember not only people of good will but also people of ill will. Do not remember only the sufferings that have been inflicted on us but remember too the fruit we have bought as a result of this suffering. The comradeship and loyalty, the humility and courage, the generosity and greatness of heart that has grown out of it. And when they come to judgement, let all the fruits that we have borne be their forgiveness.

Holy Week And Easter Services  

Holy Thursday
Mass of The Lord’s Supper, 7.30PM

Good Friday
Walk of Witness, 11AM;
Celebration of the Lord’s passion, 3PM

Holy Saturday
Easter Vigil, 8PM

Easter Sunday
Easter Mass, 10.30AM

Twelve Apostles

We need 12 people to volunteer to have their feet washed at the Mass of the Lord’s Supper on Thursday 13th. If you feel generous and brave enough to do this please give your name to Bob. Thank you!

Second Collection 

The next second collection is for Holy Places and will take place during the Good Friday service.

New carpet  

In case you hadn’t noticed, we have a new carpet on the sanctuary! It was put down between Monday and Tuesday of last week. I would like to thank Tommy, Peter, Monica and Rita who took up the old carpet on the Monday and then cleaned up the perished underlay and dust left behind. They were ably assisted by our cleaning ladies who helped clean the dust from the floor and benches.

Many thanks to all the above for their generous work.

5th Sunday of Lent


I believe in death. I believe that it is part of life. I believe that we are born to die, to die that we live more fully; born to die a little each day to selfishness, to pretence and to sin. I believe that every time we pass from one stage of life to another, something in us dies and something new is born. I believe we taste death in moments of lonliness, rejection, sorrow, disappointment and failure. I believe that we are dying before our time when we live in bitterness, in hatred and in isolation. I believe that each day we are creating our own death by the way we live. For those with faith, death is not the extinguishing light; it is putting out the lamp because the dawn has come.

Holy Week And Easter Services  

Holy Thursday
Mass of The Lord’s Supper, 7.30PM

Good Friday
Walk of Witness, 11AM;
Celebration of the Lord’s passion, 3PM

Holy Saturday
Easter Vigil, 8PM

Easter Sunday
Easter Mass, 10.30AM 

Pastoral Letter from Archbishop Malcolm

Stations of the Cross

Join us for Stations of the Cross each Friday in Lent at 9.30am, just before Mass.

Second Collection 

The next second collection is for Holy Places and will take place during the Good Friday service.

Gift Aid  

The gift aid scheme begins again in April. Please consider joining if you are a taxpayer. That means we can claim 25p from the taxman for every £1 you donate. Please see Bob if you wish to join.

4th Sunday of Lent


One night a few years ago there was a total eclipse of the moon. Everybody was talking about it. Many stayed up until the small hours in the hope of witnessing it. I asked myself: ‘Why all this interest in the moon, simply because it is disappearing?’ I was convinced that most of those people wouldn’t see a full moon in the sky, much less stop to admire it. It brought to mind the words of Emerson: ‘The fool wonders at the unusual; the wise person wonders at the usual.’

Happy Mother’s Day  

Wishing all our lovely mums, nans, aunties and every lady in our Parish, and beyond, a very happy and blessed Mother's Day. Thank you to you all for everything you do for us!

Stations of the Cross

Join us for Stations of the Cross each Friday in Lent at 9.30am, just before Mass.

Second Collection 

The second collection this weekend is for Nugent Care. This is a mandatory collection.
Reminder: CAFOD envelopes can be handed in any time during Lent.


The funeral service for Frank Johnson will take place here in St James’ on Tuesday 21st March at 11am. Please pray for the repose of Frank’s soul and the comfort of his family.

The funeral service for Tony Brady will take place here in St James’ on Thursday 23rd March at 12 noon. Please remember Tony and his family in your prayers.

Lent Talks

The next Lent Talk from Churches Together will be on Monday 20th March in Linacre Mission. All are welcome.

3rd Sunday of Lent


There is a thirst in every human heart. Each of us is like that lonely Samaritan woman. We are thirsting for something, something that will satisfy our longings. But often we search in the wrong places. We draw water from many wells: the water of praise to quench our thirst for self-esteem; the water of success to quench our thirst for importance; the water of pleasure to quench our thirst for joy... But we still get thirsty. Only God can give us what we are looking for. He alone can cause a spring to well up inside us. The water from this spring will sustain us in our journey to the Promised Land of eternal life.

Pilgrimage to Lourdes  

18th - 22nd September. £625 Full Board. Deposit £200. Please see Ann Kirby for details.

Stations of the Cross

Join us for Stations of the Cross each Friday in Lent at 9.30am, just before Mass.

St James’ at Flame 2023

Flame 2023 was a fantastic and blessed day for Catholic young people in England and Wales, and especially for young people in our Parish. They enjoyed so much every moment. The wonderful music and singers, inspirational speakers and the prayerful time of adoration spent in the quiet of the arena. We were also proud of Br. Ste on his role played as a deacon during the event. We would like to say a massive thank you to all of you in St. James' Parish, for your support and prayers. You have given young people in our parish a brilliant opportunity to experience and celebrate their Catholic Faith as as well meet other peers who share the same faith journey. We are looking forward to Flame 2025.

Second Collection 

Next Sunday, 19th March, there is a Second Collection for Nugent at each Mass. This is another mandatory collection. The next collection will be on Good Friday, for the Holy Places.

Annual Romero Mass and Talk  

7:00pm on Thursday 23rd March 2023. Commemorate the martyrdom of Archbishop Blessed Oscar Romero at Saint Edmund of Canterbury church, 62 Oxford Road, L22 8QF. Refreshments afterwards, and talk by Romero Trust.

Lent Talks 

The third Lenten talk, organised by the Churches Together, will be on Monday 13th March at 7.30pm in the Linacre Mission.

1st Sunday of Lent


Pruning time is a painful time for a fruit tree. The pruner rids it of all those suckers which use up a lot of energy but produce no fruit. However, the aim of this surgery is not to inflict pain, but to help the tree produce more and better fruit. Lent is a kind of spiritual pruning time. There is much that is useless and perhaps harmful in our lives, which saps our energy, and diminishes our spiritual fruitfulness. Of what shall we prune ourselves this Lent so that we may become more fruitful branches of Christ, the true Vine?

Stations of the Cross

 We will be having Stations of the Cross each Friday in Lent at 9.30am, just before Mass.

Second Collections 

Sunday 5th March for Lenten Alms; Sunday 19th March for Nugent. These are mandatory collections. ALSO, Friday 3rd March is Family Fast Day. Envelopes to contribute to CAFOD’s collection will be available this weekend and can be brought back any time during Lent.

Lenten Talks  

Our Bootle Churches Together group are restarting our tradition of Lenten Talks. The theme this year is “Following Christ in the Footsteps of the Saints”. The talks will take place in the Linacre Mission, Litherland, at 7.30pm. The first talk is this Monday, 27th February. Everyone is welcome to join us.


The Funeral Mass for Eileen Hart will take place here in St James’ on Wednesday 1st March at 12 noon. Please pray for the repose of Eileen’s soul and the comfort of her family.

7th Sunday in Ordinary Time


When Abraham Lincoln was running for President of the United States there was a man called Stanton, who never lost an opportunity to vilify him. Yet when Lincoln won the election he gave Stanton a post in his cabinet. Why? Because he considered him the best man for the job. And Lincoln was proved right. Stanton gave him loyal service. Asked why he didn’t destroy his enemies, Lincoln replied, ”Do I not destroy my enemies when I make them my friends?”

Welcome Fr Gerry

We welcome our Salesian Provincial, Fr Gerry Briody, who is on visitation of the community this week. He will be leading both Parish Masses, and you will see him around the Parish and the schools during his stay. I know you will give him a warm welcome.

Ash Wednesday 

Wednesday of this week, 22nd February, is Ash Wednesday and the beginning of the season of Lent. It is a day of Fast and Abstinence. Masses will be at 10am and 7pm. Ashes will be blessed and distributed at both Masses.

Quiz Night / Bingo  

In order to raise funds to attend FLAME in London, our Youth Active group are holding a Quiz Night / Bingo session in the Brunny on Friday 24th February at 7.00pm. Tickets are £4 and can be purchased this weekend at Mass. There will be light refreshments and you are invited to bring your own drinks!

Last week’s raffle for Youth Active raised £300. Many thanks to those who bought tickets. Thank you for you generosity.


The Funeral Mass for Pauline Smith will take place here in St James’ on Thursday 23rd February at 12 noon. Please pray for Pauline and her family.

The Feast of St John Bosco


Inspired by the example of St Francis de Sales, Don Bosco began his work with poor and abandoned young people in Turin in 1841. He would gather them for religious instruction, prayer, Mass and recreational activities. In 1845 Don Bosco opened a night school for boys in Valdocco, now part of the municipality of Turin in Italy. In the following years, he opened several more schools, and in 1854 drew up a set of rules for his helpers, which became the Rule of the Society of St Francis de Sales, which Pope Pius IX approved definitively in 1873. The Society grew rapidly, with houses established in France and Argentina within a year of the Society's formal recognition. Over the next decade the Salesians expanded into Austria, Britain, Spain, and several countries in South America. The death of Don Bosco in 1888 did not slow the Society's growth. By 1911 the Salesians were established throughout the world, including Colombia, China, India, South Africa, Tunisia, Venezuela and the United States. The congregation continued to spread so rapidly that it soon became the third largest among men's Catholic orders. Its works expanded to include trade, agricultural and academic schools; seminaries; recreational centres and youth clubs in large cities; summer camps and parishes.

How we celebrated the Feast

Don Bosco has once said: “my children, jump, run, play and make all the noise you want but avoid sin like the plague and you will surely gain heaven.” He was always keen on bringing the Salesian spirit of joy and he would use every Sunday and Feast Day to do just that. But he probably never thought that one of the most joyful celebrations in the calendar is going to be the Feast celebrated in his own honour.

31st January is one of those occasions that always puts a smile on your face. This is the day when we remember our Founder, the Father and Teacher of the young, Saint John Bosco. Salesian communities in the UK and all across the world mark this day in a special way.

Here in Bootle, our celebrations in fact began a few days early. This is because in our parish the Feast has been transferred to the nearest Sunday, to give an opportunity to as many parishioners as possible to take part. And it was a truly memorable day. We have noticed many new faces in the church, especially the young people. Fr Brian McGraw presided over the Mass and it was great to see many young people participating and joining our parish community for this special celebration.

After the Mass together with our Youth Active Team we have taken a group of young people to the cinema and for a meal. As recently there was the 15th anniversary of  Kung-Fu Panda movie, we have decided to watch the new remake of the film. It was great fun! A meal at McDonalds afterwards completed the day. Viva Don Bosco!

The following day celebration continued in school. This year it was particularly important because our Salesian school has recently began a new chapter and it is now known as “The Salesian Academy of Saint John Bosco”. The Feast gave us a chance to introduce our Patron Saint to the young people and the staff, especially those who have joined us more recently. A service with the staff, school assemblies and celebrations in classrooms were all filled with joy.

One of the moments that I have especially appreciated was the chaplaincy celebration for the students of our Bosco Group. Students  were sharing refreshments and watching the movie: “Don Bosco – the Magic Saint”. It is a really good production based on the play about the life of Don Bosco. Big thank you to the Salesian Youth Ministry Office for created this resource! The students thoroughly enjoyed the film and it was a great opportunity to learn and have fun. Finally, at the end of the day, our school youth club had its own special time. This was a surprise party prepared by Bro Nhan, and was greatly appreciated by the students.

What a great day, and what a great time! As we celebrate the Feast of St Jon Bosco, may he continue to guide us and pray for us. May we continue to live out our Salesian mission through our service and our love.

Please Note

On Tuesday this week, 31st January, the Parish Mass will be at 10am NOT 7pm. This is just for one week. Apologies for any inconvenience this causes.


The Funeral Mass for Alec Stewart will take place here in St James’ on Monday 30th January at 12.45pm. Please remember Alec and his family in your prayers.

The Funeral Mass for Margaret Lyon will take place here in St James’ on Thursday 2nd February at 11.30am. Please pray for the repose of Margaret’s soul and the comfort of her family.