1st Sunday of Lent


Each year the trees give us a lesson in renewal. First the bud, then the blossom, and finally the shoot. Spring dresses the trees in a new robe, and makes them young again. But this is possible only because in autumn they let go of their old leaves, and in between endured a period of nakedness. Lent is the springtime of the Spirit. Lord, help us not to be afraid to let go of old habits, and to face our spiritual poverty, in order that you may renew us, and so at Easter we will feel young again in our discipleship.

Cafod Family Fast Day 

This Friday, 23rd February, is Family Fast Day. CAFOD envelopes are available at the back of Church today. Please feel free to bring them back with your offering any time during Lent.

Stations of the Cross 

Every Friday here in St James’ at 9.30am, just before Mass.
In St Monica’s: Thursday after midday Mass; In St Francis de Sales: Friday after Mass.

Lenten Talks 

Our Lenten Talks, organised by the Churches Together, begin again this week. The First Talk is on Monday 19th February at 7.30pm in the Linacre Mission. The theme for this year is “God’s Faithfulness”. This Monday’s talk is entitled, “Let’s remember—God can be trusted to keep his promise.” Everyone is welcome to join us for these talks: perhaps a nice extra prayer time for Lent! 

5th Sunday in Ordinary Time


Jesus often went off to a lonely place to pray. Yet the same Jesus who prayed in lonely places said, “When you pray, go into your room and pray to your Father in secret.” This means that the lonely place is not necessarily a place far away, or that by “room” he means four walls that separate us physically from others. The room is the room of our innermost heart. This room is with us at all times. We should make it a place to which we can go to find rest and spiritual recovery when the world is too much with us. Then we will discover that the inner room is not empty after all but is occupied by the God of love who dwells in us all.

Feast of Our Lady of Lourdes 

Diocesan celebration for the Feast of our Lady of Lourdes and World Day of prayer for the Sick 12 Noon, Saturday 10th February, Christ the King, Queens Drive 
+Tom Neylon presiding. 

An insight into Trafficking

Wednesday 7 February, The Irenaeus Centre is hosting an afternoon of reflection with a light lunch, followed by a talk from Petra Smrckova of the Medaille Trust. Great Georges Road, L22 1RD. For more information, please email Jenny@Irenaeus.co.uk.


The Funeral Mass for Sonny Donato will take place here in St James’ on Tuesday 6th February at 11.30am. Please remember Sonny and his family in your prayers.

The Funeral Mass for Kathleen Bell will take place here in St James’ on Friday 9th February at 1pm. Please pray for Kathleen and her family at this sad time.

Feast of St John Bosco


From St John Bosco: “If we want to have a good society, we must concentrate all our forces on the Christian education of the young. Experience has taught me that if we wish to sustain civil society then we should take good care of the young.” “If young people are educated properly, we have moral order; if not, vice and disorder prevail. Religion alone can initiate and achieve a true education.” “Fly from bad companions as from the bite of a poisonous snake. If you keep good companions, I can assure you that you will one day rejoice with the blessed in Heaven; whereas if you keep with those who are bad, you will become bad yourself, and you will be in danger of losing your soul.”

Parish team meeting 

The team meeting will be held on Thursday 1st February at 7pm in the parish house.


The Funeral service for Marie Feildsend will take place here in St James’ on Tuesday 30th January at 10am. Please pray for the repose of Marie’s soul and the comfort of her family.

Walk of witness 

There will be a Walk of Witness for Peace, Repentance and Reconciliation through town on Ash Wednesday, 14th February. Assemble from 1.15pm on steps of St Luke’s ‘bombed out church’ at the top of Bold St, Liverpool L1 2TR. The walk starts at 1.30pm, with Stations of the Cross. Organised by Merseyside Pax Christi. Contact: Jan Harper for more information at janharper20211@outlook.com

3rd Sunday in Ordinary Time


Today we are in danger of being drowned in bad news. Jesus began his ministry by announcing good news. What was this good news? That the kingdom of heaven had come. The kingdom stands for the fulfilment of the promises, the fullness of God’s blessings; in short, the new order of things. Forgiveness is available. Recovery is possible. God’s love is unconditional and is available to us in Christ. All we have to do is recognise our need and seek his help with humility and sincerity. Unless we repent we can’t hear the good news.

Confirmation sign up 

The website for registration for the Sacrament of Confirmation is now open and will close on the 15th March. Anyone in Year 8 can register for Confirmation from the link below.
Animate will visit schools to promote the sacrament and schools will teach about it in RE lessons.

If you have young people in your parish that do not attend a Catholic school or attend a school outside the diocese we will invite them to take a part in a ‘catch up’ session that will try to cover what they have missed in school. When they register on the website they will be told immediately that they should attend this ‘catch up’ zoom session on the 25th March at 4:30pm to end by 6:00pm

Celebrating Don Bosco 

As the Feast of Saint John Bosco falls on a Wednesday this year, we are going to anticipate it by having the Parish celebration next Sunday, 28th January. So the prayers and readings next Sunday will be from the Feast.


The Funeral Mass for Mary Raynard will take place here in St James’ on Thursday 25th January at 11.30am.

There will be no 10am Mass that day as I assume that many of those who normally come to 10 o’clock Mass will want to attend the Funeral. Sorry for any disappointment.

2nd Sunday in Ordinary Time


God’s call is mysterious; it comes in the darkness of faith. It is so fine, so subtle that it is only with the deepest silence within us that we can hear it. And yet nothing is surer or stronger. Nothing is so decisive and overpowering as that call. This call is uninterrupted:
God is always calling us.

Carlo Carretto

White Flower Appeal 

This weekend, there will be a second collection for the White Flower Appeal, to help raise funds for SPUC. You can also donate online from the link below. Thank you for your kindness and generosity.

Week of prayer for Christian Unity 

The Week of Prayer for Christian Unity (WPCU) takes place each year from the 18 to 25 January. This special week provides an opportunity to focus our prayers on Christian unity, as well as speak about and experience Christian unity personally as well as engage with what happens at a national level.

There is a Unity Service for the Churches Together in Bootle on Monday 22nd January at 7pm in the Salvation Army. Everyone is welcome to join us for this service.

Chaplaincy Production 

Before Christmas, the Chaplaincy team of St John Bosco Academy made another Christmas production! click the link below to watch their take on Robin Hood.


Fr Brian is away for a break this week, from 10th -17th January. Fr Tony Frain has kindly agreed to fill in for Fr Brian during this time, and we’re very grateful to him for agreeing to do this. All Masses will be at the usual times.

The Epiphany of the Lord


Gordon Wilson’s daughter was killed by a bomb in Enniskillen on Remembrance Day 1987. Instead of calling for revenge, he forgave her killers and began a campaign for peace and reconciliation. He said: “I am a very ordinary sort of man. I have few personal ambitions and no political aspirations. I just want to live and let live. Life had been kind to me in the main and I have tried to live by the Good Book. I do not profess to be a good man but I aim to be. I would like to leave the world a better place than I found it but I have no exaggerated ideas of my ability to do so, I have hitched my wagon to a star, a star of hope, the star of Bethlehem.

White Flower Appeal

Next Sunday, 15th January, there will be a second collection for the White Flower Appeal, to help raise funds for SPUC. You can also donate online from the link below. Thank you for your kindness and generosity.

Thank you 

Fr Brian and the Salesian Community would like to say a very sincere thank you to all those who gave us cards and gifts over Christmas. Once again we were overwhelmed by your kindness and generosity. Be assured of our prayers for you and your families over the festive period.


Fr Brian will be away for a break from 10th -17th January.
Fr Tony Frain has kindly agreed to fill in for Fr Brian during this time, and we’re very grateful to him for agreeing to do this.
All Masses will be at the usual times.

4th Sunday of Advent


The readings today draw attention to God’s gracious initiative towards us. The heart of the good news is that God is a gracious God who wants to give us his grace. This is the special time of year when we allow God to be the God of abundant grace in our regard; it is a time when we come before him in our need and open ourselves to his gracious love and presence in joyful time of expectation for the coming of Christ.

Masses over Christmas 2023-2024

Sunday, 24th December:
Fourth Sunday of Advent – Mass 10:30am

Sunday, 24th December:
First Mass of Christmas – Mass 8pm

Monday, 25th December:
Christmas Day – Mass 10:30am

Tuesday, 26th December:
Feast of St Stephen – Mass 10am

Christmas message from Archbishop Malcolm McMahon OP 

Archbishop Malcolm McMahon's Christmas message invites us to reflect about the true meaning of Christmas and how we can live out this special time in our daily lives. Click the link below to read his message.

Crib Visits 

Please visit our lovely crib, say a prayer for someone who needs it, and make a donation in the box. Any money collected will go to Nugent Care. Thank you

3rd Sunday of Advent


There is a world of difference between joy and pleasure. Pleasure can be planned. Joy can’t be planned; it comes unexpectedly and is all the sweeter for that. Pleasure is immediate. Joy often comes later and the sweetest joy of all is that which follows pain. Pleasure comes from saying ‘yes’ to ourselves, joy comes from saying ‘no’ to ourselves. Pleasure is like a flare in the night: it brightens things up for a while but when it’s over we feel darker and emptier than ever. Joy, on the other hand, is like a bright fire in the hearth; even when it dies down, it leaves a warm glow behind it.

Masses over Christmas 2023-2024

Saturday, 23rd December:
Fourth Sunday of Advent Vigil – Mass 6:30pm

Sunday, 24th December:
Fourth Sunday of Advent – Mass 10:30am

Sunday, 24th December:
First Mass of Christmas – Mass 8pm

Monday, 25th December:
Christmas Day – Mass 10:30am

Tuesday, 26th December:
Feast of St Stephen – Mass 10am

Wednesday, 27th December:
Feast of St John – Mass 10am

Thursday, 28th December:
Holy Innocents – Mass 10am

Friday, 29th December:
St Thomas of Canterbury – Mass 10am

Saturday, 30th December:
Holy Family Vigil – Mass 6:30pm

Sunday, 31st December:
The Holy Family – Mass 10:30am

Monday, 1st January:
Mary the Mother of God – Mass 10am

Tuesday, 2nd January:
SS. Basil and Gregory – Mass 10am

Wednesday onwards, Masses at usual times

Deanery Consultation 

Find attached an information sheet about the Family of Parishes, involving our local deanery. This is a follow on from the Synod.

Mary’s Meals – Double the Love 

From 22 November 2023 to 22 January 2024, donations made to Mary’s Meals will be doubled by a group of generous supporters, up to £1million.

With Double the Love, your donation will be matched and your kindness will go even further – meaning we can reach even more desperately hungry children with a life-changing school meal.

There are many ways to get involved, click the link below to find out more.

Masses over Christmas 2023-2024

Masses over Christmas 2023-2024

Saturday, 23rd December:
Fourth Sunday of Advent Vigil – Mass 6:30pm
Sunday, 24th December:
Fourth Sunday of Advent – Mass 10:30am
Sunday, 24th December:
First Mass of Christmas – Mass 8pm
Monday, 25th December:
Christmas Day – Mass 10:30am
Tuesday, 26th December:
Feast of St Stephen – Mass 10am
Wednesday, 27th December:
Feast of St John – Mass 10am
Thursday, 28th December:
Holy Innocents – Mass 10am
Friday, 29th December:
St Thomas of Canterbury – Mass 10am
Saturday, 30th December:
Holy Family Vigil – Mass 6:30pm
Sunday, 31st December:
The Holy Family – Mass 10:30am
Monday, 1st January:
Mary the Mother of God – Mass 10am
Tuesday, 2nd January:
SS. Basil and Gregory – Mass 10am

Wednesday onwards, Masses at usual times

2nd Sunday of Advent


The voice of John the Baptist was a lonely voice which many of his contemporaries ignored. There are many lonely voices in our world. Somewhere at this moment a child is crying—crying for love or maybe simply for bread. Somewhere a young person is crying— crying for a listening ear or an understanding heart. Somewhere an old person is crying—crying for a visit or a word from his/her children. There are a thousand unheard cries in our world, coming from the victims of injustice and neglect. Lord, help us to listen to these voices. Above all, help us to listen to your voice, whispering to us in the wilderness of our hearts, telling us that we are loved by you and that we are to love one another.

Lights to Remember

All are welcome to attend Marie Curie’s Lights to Remember Service at Liverpool Metropolitan Cathedral on Sunday 10 December at 5pm - 6pm, with refreshments and mice pies served afterwards.

The event is for people who have been affected by terminal illness or bereavement, and an opportunity to come together in our local community, joined by Marie Curie staff and inspirational supporters.

All are warmly invited.

Readers retreat day

A reminder to those who signed up, that the Day of Prayer for readers will take place on 16th December at the Irenaeus Centre, Waterloo, from 9.30 – 3.30pm. This is for readers in our Deanery Area.


The Funeral service for Deborah Flynn will take place here in St James’ on Thursday 14th December at 12.30pm. Please remember Debbie and her family in your prayers.