17th Sunday in Ordinary Time


I lived on the shady side of the road and watched my neighbours’ gardens across the way revelling in the sunshine. I felt I was poor and from door to door went in my hunger. The more they gave me from their careless abundance the more I became aware of my beggar’s bowl. ‘Til one morning I awoke from my sleep at the sudden opening of my door and you came and asked for alms. In despair I broke open the lid of my chest and was startled into finding my own wealth.
Rabindranath Tagore

Parish Camp 

We are pleased to announce that this summer we are once again hosting a Parish Camp, specially designed for the young people of our parish and the Salesian Academy of St John Bosco. We start with daily Mass and reflection with exciting trips, competitions and games organised by our dedicated parish team. The sessions run from 25-28 July and 1-4 August. We look forward to seeing our youth come together to grow in faith, form lasting friendships and create wonderful memories.

The Shaping of Liverpool 

In Another Place are proud to announce that The Shaping of Liverpool, the story of Liverpool in drama, dance and song, will be performed at Salt and Tar, L20 1AA (behind Bootle Strand) on Saturday 3rd August.
There will be three performances at 12pm, 2pm and 4pm
There will be food stalls and activities throughout the day from 12pm—9pm.
Entry is free.


The funeral service for Brian Holland will take place here in St James’ on Thursday 1st August at 12 noon.
Please remember Brian and his family in your prayers.

16th Sunday in Ordinary Time


Lord, look upon us and take pity on us, for at times we too are like sheep. Save us from a blind following of the herd. Help us to listen to your voice. To trust you and follow you, even if it means leaving the crowd and walking a lonely path. Lead us from fear to trust, from error to truth, from hate to love, from war to peace, from despair to hope and from death to life. Amen


The funeral service for Elizabeth Colton will take place here in St James’ on Tuesday 23rd July at 12.30pm. Please remember Elizabeth and her family in your prayers.
The funeral service for Sheila Berry will take place here in St James’ on Friday 26th July at 1.15pm. Please keep Sheila and her family in your prayers.

The Shaping of Liverpool 

In Another Place are proud to announce that The Shaping of Liverpool, the story of Liverpool in drama, dance and song, will be performed at Salt and Tar, L20 1AA (behind Bootle Strand) on Saturday 3rd August.
There will be three performances at 12pm, 2pm and 4pm
There will be food stalls and activities throughout the day from 12pm—9pm.
Entry is free.

15th Sunday in Ordinary Time


To do the work of Christ is really quite simple. It means to be faithful in little things, for to be faithful in little things is a big thing. It means to do one’s task, no matter how humble, not only thoroughly but joyfully. It means to make oneself available, yet never seek the limelight. It means to make oneself useful, without seeking to push oneself. It means to carry one’s own burden, without, as far as possible, becoming a burden on others. In a word, it means to be at one’s post, helpful and faithful, loyal and constant. Lord, make me an instrument for the building of your kingdom.

Sea Sunday—14th July 

Sea Sunday is an opportunity for us to remember and say prayers for all the brave men and women who work at sea to make sure we have all that we need. Join us to celebrate Sea Sunday and raise funds which help to provide essential support and services for seafarers who often work in dangerous and lonely conditions.

Second Collection 

There will be a second collection for Priests in retirement next weekend.

Parish Raffle 

This weekend there will be a raffle to raise funds for the Parish.
Exciting prizes available


The Funeral Mass for Margaret Mason will take place here in St James’ on Monday 15th July at 11.45am.
Please remember Margaret and her family in your prayers.

14th Sunday in Ordinary Time


Disturb us, O Lord,
When we are too well pleased with ourselves;
When our dreams have come true because we dreamed too little;
When we have arrived safely because we sailed too close to the shore.
Stir us, O Lord. To dare more boldly;
To venture more seas, where storms shall show your mastery
Where losing sight of land we shall find the stars.
In the name of him who pushed back the horizons of our hopes and invited the brave to follow him. Amen


The children in our Deanery will receive the Sacrament of Confirmation from Bishop Tom Neylon on the following dates: Monday 8th July; Wednesday 10th July and Monday 15th July.
All the services are at 7pm in St Monica’s Church. You are welcome to join us for any of them.

Second Collection 

There will be a second collection for Priests in retirement on the weekend of 20th/21st July.

Parish Raffle 

For the next two weekends we will have a raffle for Parish Funds.
Exciting prizes available.


The Funeral service for Mary Disley will take place here in St James’ on Tuesday 9th July at 12 noon.
Please remember Mary and her family in your prayers.

Solemnity of Saints Peter and Paul, Apostles


Today the Church celebrates the feast day of Sts. Peter & Paul. St. Augustine of Hippo said of them: “Both apostles share the same feast day, for these two were one; and even though they suffered on different days, they were as one. Peter went first, and Paul followed. And so we celebrate this day made holy for us by the apostles' blood. Let us embrace what they believed, their life, their labors, their sufferings, their preaching, and their confession of faith.”

Congratulations Brother Solomon 

Congratulations to Brother Solomon who will be making his Final Profession here in St James’ today, 30th June, at the 10.30 Mass. Please join us for the Mass and afterwards for tea and cake to celebrate with Solomon!

Second Collection 

There will be a second collection this weekend for Peter’s Pence.

Volunteer your teaching talent 

Are you a retired or part-time qualified teacher? You could be part of the Cathedral’s Education Service team! Come and help hundreds of school children and young people to learn about this wonderful Cathedral. ‘It’s a joy to watch children be amazed by the sheer beauty of John Piper’s lantern of light and colour and be able to bring the Cathedral to life for the generations of the future’. Contact us at education@metcathedral.org.uk

12th Sunday in Ordinary Time


My faith is tested many times every day and more times than I’d like to confess. I’m unable to keep the banner of faith aloft. If a promise is not kept, or if a secret is betrayed, or if I experience long-lasting pain, I begin to doubt God and God’s love. I fall into the chasm of disbelief and I cry out in despair but then the Spirit lifts me up again and once more I am secured in faith. I don’t know how that happens, save when I cry out earnestly I am answered immediately and am returned to faithfulness. I am once again filled with Spirit and firmly planted on solid ground.
Maya Angelu (Wouldn’t take nothing for my journey now)

Celebrating St Irenaeus Feast at the Irenaeus Project 

This will be on Friday 28 June Starting with a 5pm Mass then a summer garden fayre including tombolas, raffle, crafts, and cake.


The Final Profession of Brother Solomon will take place here in St James’ on Sunday 30th June at the 10.30am Mass. We hope you will join us as we celebrate and pray for Solomon as he dedicates his life to God and to the Salesian Society.

Second Collection 

Next Sunday is the Feast of Saints Peter and Paul, and there is a second collection for Peter’s Pence that day.


The Funeral service for Connor Ainsworth will take place here in St James’ on Monday 24th June at 12 noon. Please remember Connor and his family in your prayers.

11th Sunday in Ordinary Time


On many an idle day have I grieved over lost time. But it is never lost, my Lord. You have taken every moment of my life in your own hands. Hidden in the heart of things you are nourishing seeds into sprouts, buds into blossoms, and ripeneing flowers into fruitfulness. I was tired and sleeping in my idle bed and imagining all work had ceased. In the morning I woke up and found my garden full with wonders of flowers.
(Rabindranath Tagore)

New Community Member 

Brother Alfred Augustine Unuakhe SDB (known as Augustine), recently ordained Deacon down in Battersea, will be joining our Salesian Community for the next six months. He will be doing Pastoral work both in school and in the Parish. I know you will give him a warm welcome when you meet him!

Final Profession 

The Final Profession of Brother Solomon will take place here in St James’ on Sunday 30th June at the 10.30am Mass. We hope you will join us as we celebrate and pray for Solomon as he dedicates his life to God and to the Salesian Society.

Deanery Bulletin 

At the back of Church you will find a copy of the first edition of the Deanery Bulletin in full colour! It gives you information about the Deanery Synodal Council and the Family of Parishes. Please take one home and read it. In connection with this we are inviting you to an open meeting, here in the Parish house on Tuesday 18th June at 7pm. This is for all ages and will be an opportunity to learn more about the Deanery Pastoral Plan and give your own opinion. Please come and join us for that evening.

School Chaplaincy Newsletter 

At the back of Church you will also find a copy of the Chaplaincy Newsletter of the Salesian Academy of St John Bosco. We encourage you to take one home and read it. A digital copy is also available here:

RCIA The Mass for new Catholics 

We are celebrating the Mass for New Catholics on Thursday 20 June at the Liverpool Metropolitan Cathedral at 7pm which will be celebrated by Archbishop Malcolm.

Anyone received into the church, both this year and previous years are welcome to attend with their families, friends, and Catechists.

10th Sunday in Ordinary Time


A kingdom that is divided within itself cannot stand. I myself am a divided kingdom; I am divided within myself. The good that I want to do, I do not do, the evil that I want to avoid I find myself doing. I am like a field in which wheat and weeds are struggling for supremacy. Who will save me from myself? Who will keep my kingdom from falling down? You, Lord, who overpowered Satan, will heal the division within me and help me to take complete possession of my house. Then I will be free, united and at peace.

Family of Parishes 

At a recent Deanery meeting, we chose Blessed Lawrence Johnson as the Patron of our Family of Parishes and our local Deanery. Blessed Lawrence is a local English Martyr, and you can find a prayer card at the back of Church with details of his life and a prayer which we would invite you to say when you can. Please take one with you.

Final Profession 

The Final Profession of Brother Solomon will take place here in St James’ on Sunday 30th June at the 10.30am Mass. We hope you will join us as we celebrate and pray for Solomon as he dedicates his life to God and to the Salesian Society.

RCIA The Mass for new Catholics 

We are celebrating the Mass for New Catholics on Thursday 20 June at the Liverpool Metropolitan Cathedral at 7pm which will be celebrated by Archbishop Malcolm.
Anyone received into the church, both this year and previous years are welcome to attend with their families, friends, and Catechists.

The Most Holy Trinity


We make the sign of the cross to put us in the mind of the Blessed Trinity. With all our heart and voice, we acknowledge, we praise and we bless you, God the Father unbegotten; you, the only-begotten Son; you, the Holy Spirit, the Paraclete, O holy and undivided Trinity.

RCIA The Mass for new Catholics 

We are celebrating the Mass for New Catholics on Thursday 20 June at the Liverpool Metropolitan Cathedral at 7pm which will be celebrated by Archbishop Malcolm.
Anyone received into the church, both this year and previous years are welcome to attend with their families, friends, and Catechists.

The Feast of Mary Help of Christians 

Yesterday we celebrated the Feast of Mary Help of Christians. This is a very special day for the Salesians and it was marked with a beautiful Mass celebrated both here in the parish of St James and at The Salesian Academy of St. John Bosco. In the evening the celebration continued - we have invited our altar servers and the young people from SASJB for a trip to Southport, where they enjoyed bowling, laser and a meal with friends. We are very grateful to the Salesian Youth Ministry UK for their support.

Message from Fr Brian 

I’m away on Retreat in Leeds this coming week, so Fr Tony Frain has agreed to say the morning Masses from Monday to Friday. I’m very grateful to him for doing this.

Second Collections

There will be a second collection on Sunday 16th June for The Day for Life; and there will be a second collection on Sunday 30th June, Feast of Saints Peter and Paul, for Peter’s Pence. 



Do not let yourselves be guided by the spirit of self-indulgence. Look at the legacy self-indulgence produces: bad temper. Fighting. Jealousy, cruelty, meanness, revenge, fornication, idolatry and drunkenness. These are ugly things and make life miserable. Rather, let yourself be guided by the Spirit of God. Look at the legacy the Spirit brings: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. These are beautiful things, and make life joyful. They are a foretaste of the joy of heaven. Spirit of the living God, fall afresh on us.

First Communions 

At the 10.30 Mass this weekend, the following children will be making their First Communion: Daisy Dewsbury, Nevaeh Brown, Ethan Willetts, Ella Ridout, Eva Gregson, Evie Donegan, Filip Trochym, Michelle Uamai. Please pray for these children and their families.

Men of St. James', St. Monica's, St. Francis de Sales 

You are invited to a social gathering at St. Monica’s Parish Hall @ 7pm on Tuesday, 21st May. Our purpose is to come together, to get to know each other better, to build community. Some light refreshments will be available but feel free to bring your own, if you have particular tastes or requirements, and don’t skip your tea! Hope to see you there!

Two Cathedrals Celebration 

This year Pentecost Sunday 19th May 2024 will mark 100 years of Liverpool Cathedral and the 2 Cathedral Pentecost Service will be a family friendly event of celebration. The event starts at 3pm at Liverpool Metropolitan Cathedral where Monsignor John Devine OBE will be preaching. Then everyone will be taking a pilgrimage walk down Hope Street and will receive a final blessing at Liverpool Cathedral. It will be a family friendly event with live music and giant games.