29th Sunday in Ordinary Time


James and John were two opportunists. Their one aim was to rise in the ranks. To achieve their end they did not hesitate to beg. They did not mind how much envy and resentment they aroused in their companions. Their aim was to scramble up the career ladder. But at what price to themselves? In the course of their rise to the top, people lose themselves, their own souls, whatever they do or achieve will be worthless. Power hardens the human heart.

World Mission Sunday 

Today, parishes worldwide celebrate World Mission Sunday. By supporting Missio, the Pope’s charity for world mission, we stand united as God’s global family, in prayer, solidarity, and action. We are called to ‘go and invite everyone to the banquet’ for the joy of Christ’s Resurrection is a gift meant to be shared with the entire world. Please pray for missionaries and give what you can to this vital collection, bringing God’s compassion, peace, and justice to those in need. To donate, use the Missio envelope, call 020 7821 9755 (office hours) or click the link below to donate.

Assisted suicide bill 

MPs are preparing to vote before Christmas on a Bill that, if passed, will legalise assisted suicide. The introduction of the Bill comes at a time when many elderly people are heading into winter with their Winter Fuel Payment cut by the Government. Palliative care services are in crisis with over 100,000 people dying each year without receiving the palliative care they desperately need. Within this context, this proposed assisted suicide law is a disaster waiting to happen.
Click the link below to ask your MP to stop assisted suicide being rushed into law.
Click here to watch actor and disability rights advocate Liz Carr’s BBC documentary on assisted suicide, Better Off Dead? where she examines the impact of one of the world’s most extreme assisted suicide laws in Canada.


Two weeks ago, members of the SVP renewed their oath and had their hands anointed. Thank you for your support, you were all remembered in our Mass. We will be giving out our report of works done in due course. Please keep us in your prayers, God bless Ann Kirby and St James’ SVP

Funeral Service 

The funeral service for Peter Banks will take place here in St James’ on Friday 25th October at 12 noon.
Please remember Peter and his family in your prayers.

28th Sunday in Ordinary Time


Jesus saw that the rich young man had great potential, so he invited him to enter the world of sharing. But he wasn't up to it—riches got in the way. As he went away a sadness descended on him, the sadness that descends on us when we choose to live for ourselves. Even though Jesus was sad to see him go, nevertheless he let him go. There’s no point in forcing people to make sacrifices. If you take things from people, they are impoverished; but if you can get them to give them up, they are enriched. People are essentially good but this goodness has to be awakened and called forth if they are to enter the kingdom of love.

Assisted suicide bill 

MPs are preparing to vote before Christmas on a Bill that, if passed, will legalise assisted suicide. The introduction of the Bill comes at a time when many elderly people are heading into winter with their Winter Fuel Payment cut by the Government. Palliative care services are in crisis with over 100,000 people dying each year without receiving the palliative care they desperately need. Within this context, this proposed assisted suicide law is a disaster waiting to happen.
Click the link below to ask your MP to stop assisted suicide being rushed into law.
Click here to watch actor and disability rights advocate Liz Carr’s BBC documentary on assisted suicide, Better Off Dead? where she examines the impact of one of the world’s most extreme assisted suicide laws in Canada.

Prisoner’s Sunday 

Today is Prisoners’ Sunday, the National Day of Prayer and action for prisoners and their families. Let’s remember them in our prayers during Mass and during the course of the week.

Mission Appeal 

Sr Dymphna from The Holy Family Sister of the Needy (HFSN) will be making an appeal on behalf of the work of her congregation at each of the masses this weekend.
The second collection will be for this worthy cause. I’m sure you will be very welcoming and generous.

Funeral Service 

The funeral service for Peter Kelly will take place here in St James’ on Tuesday 15th October at 11.45am.
Please remember Peter and his family in your prayers.

27th Sunday in Ordinary Time


I tell you little children, not to hurry across the years. All that age has for you is a field of worry, a sea of tears, a mountain hard to climb where many fall and why should you not wander pure and small? Romance around our early morning lingers but not for long and beauty moves no more her magic fingers o’er cords of song. Sweetness will pine amid the sunless glades and innocence be gathered to the shades. I tell you, little children, not to squander sunny hours. Too soon will come the storms of lie, the thunder and leaden showers. O children, you are growing up too soon and you will weep the morning when ‘tis noon.
Patrick Kavanagh

Cafod Appeal 

Tom Delamere will speak to us at both Masses this weekend for CAFOD’S Harvest Family Fast Day appeal. Please remember to bring your CAFOD envelopes and put them in the plate any Sunday.

Mission Sunday 

The weekend of 19th /20th October is Mission Sunday and there is a mandatory Second collection for the World Mission. My apologies that these three collections have come so close together.
I try my best to space them out, but sometimes it doesn’t work!

Mission Appeal 

Next weekend, 12th / 13th October, Sr Dymphna will be making an appeal on behalf of her Congregation’s Missionary work and there will be a second collection to help her with that work. The Bishop has given her congregation permission to make that appeal.

26th Sunday in Ordinary Time


Jesus warned those who would lead the little ones astray but he blessed those who care for them. One of the most touching things about children is their openness but this same openness leaves them extremely vulnerable. They may not say much but they feel everything. They are like crocuses which appear in the open in February—frail, delicate, beautiful creatures—innocents abroad in an unpredictable climate. If they are embraced by the sun, they will bloom to their full potential but if they are assailed by hail, they will die a premature death. Love is to a child what sunshine is to flowers.

Family Fast Day

Cafod’s Family Fast Day is this Friday, 4th October. Cafod envelopes are available at the back of the Church. Please take one away, make an offering, and bring it back and put it on the plate any time in the next couple of Sundays.

Tom Delamere from CAFOD will speak at both Masses next weekend for CAFOD’s Harvest Family Fast Day appeal.  Daniel, a young man in war-torn Democratic Republic of Congo, is carving a better future for his family with carpentry skills he learned in a CAFOD-funded training centre.  Give to CAFOD today please and you’ll fund training, tools, equipment and safe spaces so more people like Daniel can learn new skills and fulfil their God-given potential. Use the envelope in church or give online using the link below.  Also, if you could spare an hour or two every now and again to help CAFOD here in the parish, please contact Ged Edwards on 07779 804241 or gedwards@cafod.org.uk.

Lourdes Pilgrimage 2025 

As a ‘Family of Parishes’ we have been discussing a Pilgrimage to Lourdes. This will be from Mon 22nd to Fri 26th September, 2025 - 5 days/4 nights. The total cost is £725.00. (for a Twin shared room) and after paying the deposit of £250.00. (which is required to secure your booking), leaves a balance to pay of £475.00. There is a single room supplement of £120.00. and there are only 3 Single Rooms available.

Fr. Ged will be holding an Information/form-filling meeting on MONDAY, 21st OCTOBER at 7.00.pm. in St Monica’s Parish Centre. PLEASE NOTE: You will need to bring the deposit of £250.00. and also a photo-copy of your Passport, which must be valid for at least 6 months as at the date of travel. Tea & Coffee will be available.

25th Sunday in Ordinary Time


God’s inspiration is at work in everyone. However, there are people in whom divine inspiration seems to have no effect; people who commit crimes cold-bloodedly and who never rejoice at the sight of the true and the beautiful. Even though they may seem to prosper, their punishment is assured even in this world. The anxieties and fears that assail them make their prosperity a bitterness to them. As for the just, even though their passage through life is often dogged by misfortune, the inward satisfaction of obeying divine inspiration gives them great strength and is sufficient reward for them.

First Communion 

Our First Communion programme for children in Year 5, will begin again this month. The preparation is done in All Saints school. If your child is not in our school and you live in the Parish, and want them to make their First Communion, then please get in touch with either Fr Brian or Rita Shannon. Arrangement will be made for them to do their preparation in the Parish.

Pause for Hope — 22nd September 

The Metropolitan Cathedral will host a special Pause for Hope service on Sunday 22 September at 3pm, dedicated to supporting those affected by cancer. The event is open to all, with no tickets required. Catherine Jones, Chair of North West Cancer Research, will be the main speaker, and music will be provided by Billy Hui and Singme Merseyside. The service will be led by Rev Canon Bill Addy, Rev David Goodwin, and Bishop Tom Williams. This ecumenical and reflective gathering includes hymns, prayers, and the lighting of candles to remember loved ones lost to cancer and to pray for a future free from the disease.

Second Collection 

Apparently, last Sunday was “Evangelii Gaudium“ Sunday, (formerly known as Home Mission Sunday) and we should have had a Second Collection for the work of the Bishops’ Conference. It means we will have to have the collection this week. Sorry for the short notice.

24th Sunday in Ordinary Time


A watch may have a gold chain but if it doesn’t tell the time it is useless. A fruit tree may be teeming with blossoms but if it doesn’t produce fruit it is useless. A lamp may be studded with diamonds but if it doesn’t give light it is worthless. And a faith that doesn’t result in good works is dead. The fruit of prayer is faith. The fruit of faith is love. The fruit of love is service and the fruit of service is peace.

Family of Parishes Lourdes Pilgrimage 2025 

As a “Family of Parishes” we have been discussing the possibility of organising a pilgrimage to Lourdes which is most likely to be in September, 2025. Many parishioners have filled in their details on the “interest form” and numbers are already very encouraging. More information will follow in the coming weeks, and once we know costs etc. a deposit (of approximately £250.00.) will be required to secure your booking.

If you haven’t already done so, and are interested in going, there’s a list at the back of Church to leave your details.

Open Evening at the Salesian Academy of Saint John Bosco 

The next Open Evening at The Salesian Academy of St John Bosco will include a welcome from our Headteacher, a tour of school and the chance to explore our excellent facilities, with exciting activities on offer across all departments. 
Come along for a full tour of school, find out about the new build, and take part in exciting activities on offer across all departments. Thursday, 19th September 2024, 4pm-7pm.
Click the link below to register.

First Communion 

Our First Communion programme for children in Year 5, will begin again this month. The preparation is done in All Saints school. If your child is not in our school and you live in the Parish, and want them to make their First Communion, then please get in touch with either Fr Brian or Rita Shannon. Arrangement will be made for them to do their preparation in the Parish.

Mass Requests 

Our Mass book is now fully booked till the end of the year. We will no longer be able to accept any more requests for Masses. Bob has done his best to accommodate everyone, but can’t do the impossible! I would ask that people are reasonable about the number of Masses they ask for, so that everyone gets a fair chance. As a priest, I am only allowed to say Mass for one intention. If you would like a Mass to be said privatly for your intention, speak to Fr Jacob.

23rd Sunday in Ordinary Time


Dear Lord, thank you for the gift of Catholic education. Thank you for all those who have given their talents to educating our young people. Through the challenges they encounter each day, lead them to an ever deeper appreciation of the sacred duty to which you have called them. Thank you for all those who contribute to the efficient running of our Catholic education sector: chaplains, support staff, kitchen staff, maintenance staff, governors and trustees. We thank them for all their hard work and dedication. Thank you for all the leaders of Catholic education. May they be people of integrity so that they can be witnesses as well as teachers. We pray that the schools they lead will become places where our young people can experience your love in their lives. Thank you for our pupils and students. May your love strengthen and nurture them through the influence and example of those who care for them. We pray that through their time at school and university they will flourish and grow to discover who you have called them to be. We make this prayer through your Son, Jesus Christ, our teacher and our Lord.

Pray and Picnic in the Park 

This event, in support of Aid to the Church in Need, will be held on Sunday 15th September at St John’s gardens, William Brown Street, L1 1HF
It starts with Rosary at 1:30pm and Mass at 2pm celebrated by Bishop Tom Neylon followed by Liverpool Irish choir and dancers and Chinese dance display and workshop.
Entry is free but if you wish to reserve a place contact Rachel Buckley on 07496 443736 or email
Bring a picnic and something to sit on.

Open Evening at the Salesian Academy of Saint John Bosco 

The next Open Evening at The Salesian Academy of St John Bosco will include a welcome from our Headteacher, a tour of school and the chance to explore our excellent facilities, with exciting activities on offer across all departments. 
Come along for a full tour of school, find out about the new build, and take part in exciting activities on offer across all departments. Thursday, 19th September 2024, 4pm-7pm.
Click the link below to register.

Could you be a Deacon? Diaconate Information Evenings 

The Archbishop will be hosting two Diaconate Information Evenings during the next few months: Thursday 5th December at Bishop Eton in Liverpool and Thursday 23rd January at St John’s in Wigan. Each evening will begin at 7.30pm, with refreshments available from 7.00pm and will end by 9.00pm.

The evenings are open to anyone who would like to find out more about the diaconate, especially men who are wondering if they may be called to this ministry. Wives and supporting priests and deacons are also very welcome. For more information email Deacon Paul Rooney, p.rooney@rcaol.org.uk.

22nd Sunday in Ordinary Time


Today pollution has become a big issue and rightly so. People want clean water, clean air and clean food. But we should be even more concerned about the most dangerous pollution of all, namely evil.

Pride, anger, hate, lust, greed, envy… All these are dangerous pollutants. So what must we do? We must purify the source; the heart is the source. It is the well-spring from which all our thoughts, words and deeds flow. If the heart is clean, all that flows from it will be clean. Blessed are the clean of heart; they shall see God.

New community members 

This year the Salesian Community will be joined by Fr Hugh Preston and Bro Andre Kankwenda. Fr Hugh has moved in but will be away on a sabbatical until Christmas. He will be helping in the Parish. Bro Andre, from the Congo, will help in the school chaplaincy and in the Parish. It will be great to have them with us, and I’m sure you will give them the usual warm Bootle welcome!

Adoremus Liverpool 

This will take place at the Metropolitan Cathedral on 21 September 2024. The event itself is free and available to all. There will be Eucharistic Adoration throughout the day from 10am until 5pm, Holy Mass, opportunities for confession, a variety of workshops and a shared time of prayer during the day for all. In advance of the Jubilee year 2025, this Adoremus event will reflect on the themes of Care for Creation, Food Poverty, Modern Slavery, Managing Debt, Forgiveness and Rest as well as our own personal concerns and prayers. The workshops provide an opportunity for developing our own spirituality, and to discern what the Jubilee Year might mean for us in our own lives.

Support Saint James’ 

If you would like to donate to our parish it is easy to do. Click the link below and you will be offered a choice of donation amounts. Thank you for your support.

Parish Camp 2024

This summer, St. James' Parish hosted an unforgettable Parish Camp, bringing together young people for two weeks of fun, faith, and friendship. The camp ran from July 25th to 28th and again from August 1st to 4th, and each day was packed with exciting activities and meaningful experiences.


Week 1: A Memorable Kick-off

The first week of camp began on the Feast of St James’, the patron Saint of our Parish. We begun with a warm welcome from Fr Jacob and a peaceful morning prayer led by Brother Solomon. We then head to church and joined the parishioners for Mass celebrating the feast of St. James. This was followed by real excitement in the afternoon when we headed to Blackpool Pleasure Beach. The sunny weather made the day perfect for thrilling rides and enjoying a delicious meal together. The joy and laughter shared on the rides created lasting memories for everyone.

On the second day, Brother Malachy led us in a thoughtful morning prayer, and our catechism class focused on the question, "Why did God become man?" The day’s adventure took us to Ninja Warrior Adventure Park, where the young campers showed off their skills on climbing walls, balance beams, and obstacle courses. Many of them took on the challenge of the Warped Wall and Mount Sasuke, making the most of their time in this action-packed environment.

Day three was all about competition and community. We enjoyed a variety of games set up in the lovely gardens of St. James'. Activities included football, UNO, giant connect 4 and much, much more. After the games, we came together for Mass to give thanks for the fun and fellowship we had experienced. At the end of the day we celebrated the achievements of our campers, with a special shout-out to those who excelled in the day’s activities.

The final day of the first week was just as special. Brother David led us in a morning prayer that encouraged us to reflect on how we connect with God through our senses. We then had a catechism session about the importance of baptism and confirmation. The afternoon was filled with fun at Tenpin Centre, where campers enjoyed laser tag, bowling, and a tasty meal. It was a fantastic way to end a week of exciting activities and spiritual growth.

Week 2: New Faces and Fresh Adventures

The second week of camp began with a warm welcome for a new group of young people. Brother Solomon started our day with a heartfelt prayer, setting a positive tone for the week. We continued our tradition of starting each day with a catechism class and then headed to Blackpool Pleasure Beach. The weather was perfect, and everyone enjoyed the rides and the shared meal, creating new memories and friendships.

On the second day of the second week, Brother Malachy’s prayer focused on our dreams and trusting in God to help us achieve them. We spent the rest of the day at Ninja Warrior Adventure Park, where campers had a blast navigating the various obstacles and enjoying the inflatable courses. The Warped Wall and Mount Sasuke proved as challenging as ever, and the energy and enthusiasm were palpable.

Competition Day, which fell on the third day, was a highlight for many. Brother Reuben led us in prayer, and Fr. Jacob gave a catechism class about how Jesus opened heaven for us. After a delicious pizza lunch, we dove into a series of games, from football to UNO and giant connect 4. The day ended with a Mass to celebrate our time together and recognise Ash, who was honoured as the overall winner of the day’s competitions.

The final day of the camp was both exciting and reflective. Brother David led a prayer session about the Church as our ladder to heaven. We then enjoyed a fun-filled afternoon at the Tenpin Centre, where bowling, laser tag, and arcade games brought joy to everyone. It was a fantastic way to conclude the camp, with lots of laughter and shared experiences.

A Heartfelt Thank You

As Parish Camp 2024 came to a close, we took a moment to appreciate the hard work of our parish team and the Salesian brothers who made these two weeks so special. Their dedication ensured that each day was filled with fun, faith, and unforgettable moments. A massive thank you to all benefactors- without your help we wouldn’t be able to run this camp! We are grateful to everyone who participated and helped make this year’s camp a success. We look forward to welcoming even more young people next year for more adventures and spiritual growth. God bless!

18th Sunday in Ordinary Time


God provided a mysterious food called manna for the Israelites during their time in the desert. However, they were told not to stockpile the manna but to gather only what they needed for one day. Jesus told his disciples not to worry about tomorrow. He said “ When you pray to your heavenly Father, you are to say, ‘Give us this day our daily bread.’” No matter how difficult life may be, for those who trust in God and who live a day at a time, the manna falls every day.

Thanks and good luck 

After a year of friendship and hard work, we say thank you and farewell to Bro Solomon and Bro David, who are leaving the community this week. They are moving on to start their theology studies in London. We thank them for their presence, their friendship and for all the work they have done around the Parish. We ask God to bless them in their studies and future ministry.


Fr Brian will be away on holiday from 6th – 27th August. While he is away, Fr Tony Frain, Fr Bob Gardner and Fr Ste Lloyd will be covering the Parish for a week each. I know you will give them a good St James’ welcome and support them while they are here.