1st Sunday of Lent

Pruning Time

Pruning time is a painful time for a fruit tree. The pruner rids it of all the suckers which use up a lot of energy but produce no fruit. However, the aim of this surgery is not to inflict pain but to help the tree produce more and better fruit. Lent is a kind of spiritual pruning time. There is much that is useless and perhaps harmful in our lives which saps our energy and diminishes our spiritual fruitfulness. Of what shall we prune ourselves this Lent so that we may become more fruitful branches of Christ, the true Vine?


Jesus saying goodbye to Mary before going into the desert

Film - The Two Popes

By special request and for one night only the film “The Two Popes” starring Anthony Hopkins and Jonathan Pryce will be shown on Sunday 1st March at 7:45pm at the Plaza cinema, Crosby. Ticket price is £4. Archbishop Malcolm says “Try to watch it, it will get you thinking about the church and will give you some hope for its future.”

Fourth Synod Session

This will be held on Tuesday 3rd March at 7pm in the Priests’ house. The Theme is : “Building Community, Nurturing Belonging.” Please join us if you can.

Family Fast Day

Next Friday, 6th March, is Family Fast Day. There are envelopes available at the back of Church for your contributions. Feel free to bring them back any time during Lent and put them on the plate.

Second Collections

During Lent and Holy Week we are required to have three mandatory 2nd Collections. The first is on 8th March, for Lenten Alms; the second on 22nd March for Nugent Care and the third on Good Friday, 10th April, for The Holy Places. We will also have to have some 2nd collections to reduce the Parish debt after the work on the Tower. We will give you notice of these.

Lenten Talks

The first of this year’s Lenten Talks is in the Salvation Army on Monday 2nd March at 7pm. You are all welcome to join us.


7th Sunday in Ordinary Time

Turning enemies into friends

When Abraham Lincoln was running for president of the United States, there was a man called Stanton who never lost an opportunity to vilify him. Yet when Lincoln won the election he gave Stanton a post in his cabinet. Why? Because he considered him the best man for the job. Lincoln was proved right. Stanton gave him loyal service. Asked why he didn’t destroy his enemies, Lincoln replied, “Do I not destroy my enemies when I make them my friends?”

Fourth Synod Session

This will be held on Tuesday 3rd March at 7pm in the Priests’ house. The Theme is : “Building Community, Nurturing Belonging.” Please join us if you can.

Ash Wednesday

Wednesday of this week is Ash Wednesday and the beginning of the season of Lent. Masses will be at 10am and 7pm. Ashes will be blessed and distributed at both Masses.



The Funeral service for Mary Donohue will take place here in St James’ on Thursday 27th February at 11.30am. Please pray for Mary and her family. The Funeral Service for Sally Calland will take place here in St James’ on Friday 28th February at 11.30am. Please remember Sally and her family in your prayers.


6th Sunday in Ordinary Time

A prayer for the end of the day

Grant, O Lord, that each day before we enter the little death of sleep, we may undergo the little judgement of the past day, so that every wrong deed may be forgiven and every unholy thought set right.

Let nothing go down into the depths of our being which has not been forgiven and sanctified.

Then we shall be ready for our final birth into eternity and look forward with love and hope to standing before you, who art both judge and saviour. Holy judge and loving saviour.

(Bishop Appleton)


The Funeral Service for Patricia Doyle will take place here in St James’ on Wednesday 19th February at 11.45am. Please pray for Patricia and her family.

Fourth Synod Session

This will be held on Tuesday 3rd March at 7pm in the Priests’ house. The Theme is : “Building Community, Nurturing Belonging.” Please join us if you can.

Barn dance and Ceilidh

Starring Michael Coyne at Liverpool Irish Centre, 6 Boundary Lane, L6 5JG on Sunday 23rd February from 2-5pm.

Tickets cost £6 for adults, £3 for children. A coach will be leaving from St Helen’s in Crosby but must be booked in advance. For tickets and coach bookings contact Sr. Catherine on 07486 131930.

There is a licenced bar and Irish stew is available to purchase. All funds help take sick and disabled pilgrims to the Shrine of the Virgin of the poor, Banneux Notre Dame in Belgium


5th Sunday in Ordinary Time

Racial Justice Sunday

This weekend the Catholic Church in England and Wales will celebrate Racial Justice. The theme is: “You are at the heart of the Church.” It will celebrate the contribution travelling communities make to the Church in England and Wales. It is an opportunity for all Catholics to pray for, reflect on and respond to racial justice matters within the Church and wider society. Racial justice Sunday should encourage proactive discussions on overt and covert forms of racism experienced by fellow Catholics from the travelling communities.

Fifth Synod Talk

The next Synod Talk, “The Church in an Individualistic Society. Todays economic inequality—where is the Church” takes place at the LACE conference centre, Croxteth Drive, L17 1AA on Monday 17 February. The speaker is Rt Rev Philip Egan. What currents are evident in contemporary culture? What does the Gospel of Christ say? What pastoral approaches might the Catholic community take? Tea and coffee is served at 7pm, the talk starts at 7:30pm. There will be an opportunity for questions and answers with optional Night Prayer at 9pm.

Parish meeting

While Fr Provincial is on visitation to the Community, he would like to meet the Parish workers and Parishioners, in order to hear what they have to say about the Parish. This meeting will be on Tuesday 11th February at 7pm in the Parish house. We look forward to seeing you there.

Lourdes Pilgrimage Association

You are invited to a Mass in Honour of Our Lady of Lourdes at 7.30pm on Tuesday 11th February, in Christ the King Church, Childwall. Main Celebrant: Bishop Tom Williams.

The Feast of St John Bosco

"Don Bosco’s assistance was alive, active, spiritual, far-sighted, and above all, cheerful. He was always with his boys, especially during recreation time. He would approach now one boy, now another, questioning them in a fatherly manner, all this in order that he might get an insight into their character and individual needs without realizing it. He would often speak confidentially to one or another, giving each a holy counsel or delicately inviting them to the sacraments. If he saw anyone sad or disturbed, he would approach him and cheer him up with a quip or a jest. While he appeared thoroughly interested in his boys and their games which he himself often led« All the while, nothing escaped his keen observation. “

31st January is always a highlight in the Salesian Calendar. The Feast of St John Bosco. In Bootle we held a special School Celebration on that day. The day began with two Masses – one for the pupils of Y10 and Y11 and the other for the junior students. Pupils helped to animated the liturgy in many ways. The altar servers, readers and offertory procession all made the celebration very special. After the Mass students were presented with a special Salesian pin which has been blessed before. It will remind them of our Salesian charism and ethos. The celebration continued throughout the day. All students were given out sweets, and the chaplaincy team has been also invited for a meal to KFC and McDonalds.

On Sunday celebration continued in the parish. At St James’ again we have celebrated the Mass of St John Bosco. Many young people have gathered on that day. After the Mass, our altar servers were invited to the Bowling trip organised by our Youth Active Team. It was a lot of fun. Sadly, leaders were beaten by the servers again, just like last year. But we’re hoping to make a comeback in 2021. The game was followed by a meal – burgers, chips and chicken nuggets. We all had a very good time. It’s great to celebrate, as it is one way of expressing our gratefulness for our founder. St John Bosco, pray for us!

2019 Directories

There are a number of last year’s directories left in the shop at the back of Church. These can be bought for £1 if anyone would like one.

Synod meeting

The next Synod meeting will be on Tuesday 4th February. The Theme is “How we pray together”. You are very welcome to join us for that discussion in the Parish House at 7pm.


Our Provincial, Fr Gerry Briody is making his annual visitation of our Salesian Com-munity from 8th-13th February. He will say the two Parish Masses next weekend and you will see him around during his few days with us. I know you will give him a warm welcome.


The Annual Celebration of Marriage and Family Life will take place in the Cathedral on Sunday 9th February at 11am. All are invited to attend.

3rd Sunday in Ordinary Time

Holocaust Memorial Day

Tomorrow is the 75th anniversary of the liberation of Auschwitz and it is also Holocaust memorial day. In cities and towns across the United Kingdom, events will be held to mark this milestone in human history and to express the hope that such evil may never happen again.

This year, the theme chosen for holocaust memorial day is “Stand Together”. Those who are targeted by persecutors and racists find protection when others stand together in solidarity with them and challenge what is being done.

During the Nazi era, Jews were saved because people who were not Jewish stood together with them, hiding them from the Nazis, giving them new non-Jewish identities or even speaking out against the genocide at the risk of their own lives. Many Jewish children escaped death because they were given
refuge in our country by families who were willing to shelter them.

Holocaust memorial day is an opportunity each year for people around the United Kingdom to stand together with those in their local community, learn about those affected by genocide around the world and take action for the future.

Feast of St John Bosco

The feast of John Bosco is on 31st January but will be celebrated in the Parish on 1st and 2nd February.


The Funeral Mass for Terry Rea will take place here in St James’ on Monday 27th January at 10am. Please remember Terry and his family in your prayers.

Synod meeting

The next Synod meeting will be on Tuesday 4th February. The Theme is “How we pray together”. You are very welcome to join us for that discussion in the Parish House at 7pm.

2nd Sunday in Ordinary Time

The Bishops of England and Wales invite us to keep this Sunday as a day of prayer for world peace and to reflect on the theme chosen by Pope Francis for the annual World Peace Day (yet to be announced). The day has a particular ‘flavour’ this year because we pass so many significant anniversaries in the coming months: the 75th anniversary of the liberation of Auschwitz, marked by Holocaust Memorial Day on 27 January; the 75th anniversary of the end of World War II in Europe – marked by a special Bank Holiday on May 8; then again, in August, the 75th anniversaries of the atomic bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki and the 75th anniversary of Japan’s surrender. All a long lifetime ago and yet all events which continue to mark our history; events which show both the human capacity for inflicting evil and the human capacity to resist evil. But these events also invite us all to examine the roots of violence in our culture today and, especially, in our own hearts. They call us to conversion, to a rejection of the logic of violence and to a commitment to rebuild what has been broken in ways which lead to peace.


The 5th Commandment: “Do not kill”

We are commanded by the fifth Commandment to live in peace and union with our neighbor, to respect his rights, to seek his spiritual and bodily welfare, and to take proper care of our own life and health. It is never lawful for any cause to deliberately and intentionally take away the life of an innocent person. Such deeds are always murder, and can never be excused for any reason, however important or necessary. The fifth Commandment forbids all willful murder, fighting, anger, hatred, revenge, and bad example. Why are fighting, anger, hatred and revenge forbidden by the fifth commandment? Because they are sinful in themselves and may lead to murder. The commandments forbid not only whatever violates them, but also whatever may lead to their violation.



The Funeral Mass for Ann Woodward will take place here in St James’ on Tuesday 21st January at 10am. Please pray for Ann and her Family. The Funeral Service for Mark Nesbitt will take place here in St James’ on Friday 24th January at 11am. Please keep Mark and his family in your prayers.


Unity Service

The Bootle Churches Together are marking Church Unity Week by having a Unity Service at the Salvation Army on Monday 20th January at 7pm. Everyone is welcome to join us.


Thank you

The S.V.P. would like to thank Fr Brian and all the parishioners for their support all year and especially for toys and donations at Christmas. Our quiz night raffle raised over £400 which was a great help toward assisting those in need. God bless. A Mass will be offered for all your intentions. Thanks again. Ann Kirby

The Baptism of the Lord

Baptism was instituted, very probably, about the time Our Lord was baptized by St. John, and its reception was commanded when after His resurrection Our Lord said to His Apostles: "All power is given to Me in heaven and in earth. Going, therefore, teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit."

St. John the Baptist did not institute the Sacrament of Baptism, for Christ alone could institute a Sacrament. The baptism given by St. John had the effect of a Sacramental; that is, it did not of itself give grace, but prepared the way for it.

Baptism is a Sacrament which cleanses us from original sin, makes us Christians, children of God, and heirs of heaven.


Baptism was not over and done with the day we were taken to the font. We are baptised by all that happens to us in life. We are baptised by hardship; in its turbulent waters we are purified of all that is false and useless. We are baptised by suffering; in its murky waters we grow in humility and compassion. We are baptised by joy; in its gurgling waters we experience the goodness of life. We are baptised by love; in its singing waters we blossom like flowers in the sun. Baptism is like the planting of a seed. It will take a lifetime for this seed to grow and ripen.


Synod Session

Discussion of the next Synod theme, “Sharing the Mission of Jesus”, will take place on Tuesday 14th January at 7pm in the Priests’ house. All are welcome.



The Funeral of Mr John Rourke, for-mer Head Teacher of St James’ school, will take place in St William of York Church, on Friday 17th January at 10.30am. Please pray for John and his family. The Funeral Mass for John Cavanagh will take place here in St James’ on Thursday 16th January at 12 noon. Please pray for John and his family The Funeral Service for John Hulligan will take place here in St James’ on Friday 17th January at 12.30pm. Please remember John and his family in your prayers.


Rite of welcome

The rite of welcome for those being received in to the Catholic Church in St James’ at Easter Time this year, will take place next weekend 18/19 January 2020.


Lourdes Trip 2020

If anyone is interested in joining us, our trip to Lourdes is from 7– 11 Septem-ber and cost £600 all inclusive and transfers. Please put your name on the list at the back of church or see Ann Kirby.

Feast of the Epiphany

A Star is born The Magi were led to Christ by the light of a star.

But they saw the star only because they were not afraid to travel in the dark.

The fact is, we cannot see the stars in the bright light of day but only in the darkness of night and the darker the night the brighter they shine.

In a sense, all of us are night time travellers, however we need no longer fear the darkness because with the coming of Christ a light has come into the world, a light that shines in the dark, a light that no darkness can overpower.


Three Wise Men

The Magi or three wise men were among the first to adore the Infant Jesus. They were guided to His crib by a miraculous star. We recall the adoration of the Magi on the feast of the Epiphany. The word "Epiphany" means "manifestation", and just as at Christmas, it is the mystery of God appearing in visible form; only no longer does He show Himself to the Jews alone but “on this day" it is “to the Gentiles that God reveals His Son”

The Holy Family

Reflection from Abbot Gueranger

“Fathers of families, for example, have in St. Joseph a shining pattern for watchfulness and foresight. Mothers have in the most Holy Virgin Mother of God an extraordinary model of love, of modesty, of submissiveness of mind, and of perfect faith. Children of the family have in Jesus, Who was subject to Joseph and Mary, a divine example of obedience to admire, cultivate and imitate” (read more)


Little Litany of the Holy Family

Lord, have mercy on us.
Christ, have mercy on us.
Lord, have mercy on us.

Jesus, Mary, and Joseph, Hear us.
Jesus, Mary, and Joseph, Help our family.

That we may love poverty, Holy Family, hear us.
That we may love humility, Holy Family, hear us.
That we may love labor, Holy Family, hear us.
That we may love order, Holy Family, hear us.
That we may love quiet, Holy Family, hear us.
That we may love kindness, Holy Family, hear us.
That we may love charity, Holy Family, hear us.
That we may love courtesy, Holy Family, hear us.
That we may love peace, Holy Family, hear us.

O Lord God Who on earth loved poverty and humility,
teach us to live in our families in peace and quiet order
and with charity to all.



Thank you

Fr Jim, Fr Brian and the whole Salesian Community would to say a very big Thank You to all those who gave us gifts and presents and cards over Christmas. We were overwhelmed by your generosity and kindness. May God bless you and reward you for being so kind.

The Crib

Please remember to visit our Crib, say a prayer and perhaps make a donation to Nugent Care.