Divine Mercy Sunday


While Jesus was alive Thomas was strong as an oak.
But when Jesus was put to death, he became a reed shaking in the winds of doubt. The truth was, though he didn’t realise it at the time, that it was the Master who was the oak. He was a mere sapling growing in his shade. When the oak fell he was defenceless. All of us are shaken by the winds of doubt. We need to look at the Lord’s wounds, and hear his gentle voice saying to us: “Cease doubting and believe.” Then with Thomas we shall make bold to say: “My Lord and my God.”

Ukrainian refugees in Sefton

Ukrainian refugees are now starting to arrive in Sefton with nothing but the clothes on their backs. A very generous couple, Alan and Sue Lewis, are working out of Mersey Road Methodist Church, Crosby L23 3AE collecting new and nearly new clothing and footwear, school uniform and soft toys.

As the refugees arrive in Sefton they can go and pick clothes and toys. Please help if you can. The official times the church is open for people to visit are Sundays 2 - 5 Mondays 10 - 2 and Tuesdays 12 - 5.


The funeral service for Philip Patrick Courtney will take place here at St James’ on Tuesday 26th April at 10:30am. Interment to follow at Anfield Cemetery at 11:30am.

Please pray for the repose of Philip’s soul and the comfort of his family.

Easter Sunday


On Easter Day we still feel pain, our own pain and the pain of others. But a new element has been introduced. It doesn’t remove the pain but gives it a meaning and lights it up with hope. All is different because Jesus is alive and speaks his words of peace to us. Therefore, there is a quiet joy among us and a deep sense of peace. Jesus has broken the power of death and given us the hope of eternal life. Lord, guard this hope with your grace and bring it to fulfilment in the kingdom of heaven.

Happy Easter!

Fr Brian, Fr Jim, and the Salesian community would like to wish all our Parishioners a very Happy Easter. May the Risen Lord bless your families and grant to the people of Ukraine peace and hope for the future.

A very big thank you

To all those who have worked to get the Church ready for Easter; to all who have read and taken part in our services; to our brilliant musicians and servers; and to the ladies who are still keeping us safe as we enter Church.

Easter Message from the Reverend Malcolm McMahon OP Archbishop of Liverpool

Easter Sunday, the day when we celebrate the resurrection of the Lord, is always a day of joy and of hope – a day when we celebrate the gift of life itself and the triumph of light over darkness, of good over evil, and of peace over war.

The great Easter proclamation, the Exsultet, which is sung at our Easter Vigil, the first service of Easter, says:

‘The sanctifying power of this night dispels wickedness, washes faults away, restores innocence to the fallen, and joy to mourners, drives out hatred, fosters concord and brings down the mighty’

The Easter Vigil is always celebrated in darkness to emphasise the light and glory of the Risen Lord, but it comes at the end of Holy Week, a time when we remember the passion and death of Jesus. It is a time of high drama and emotion, of suffering and of mystery. It begins in triumph as Jesus enters Jerusalem, a king riding on a donkey receiving the adulation of the crowds as they cheer and wave palm branches. The mood rapidly changes to one of darkness and betrayal, mental anguish, suffering and death on a cross. If we lay all before the Lord at the foot of that cross God will take us beyond the cross from darkness to light and from war to peace.

As Jesus died on the cross, he prayed, ‘Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do’. Violence and war are human failings by people who do not know what they are doing.

In these last months we have witnessed a time of darkness, unjust aggression, violence, war and the death of innocent people. We have been praying for peace for the people of Ukraine and our generosity has united us with them. In the Archdiocese of Liverpool, we have united with the people of Drohobych and their Auxiliary Bishop, Gregory Komar, who wrote to us: ‘We have witnessed that God is with us, that we are not alone in our anguish, that throughout the whole world there are many people of good will supporting us.’

Yes, God is with us all the time, even though we may not realise it. The Risen Lord comes to us as we reach out to those most in need.

Through the cross and resurrection of Jesus Easter gives us hope, Bishop Gregory ends his message to us by saying, ‘I am asking you, dear brothers and sisters, to be alongside us in this Way of the Cross, in these dramatic days, when the future of Europe and of the whole world is being decided. Share with us your material blessings and your support, and we in our turn will share with you our love, our gratitude, our faith and our hope.’

Let us accept the love, gratitude, faith and hope of the Ukrainian people as our Easter gift this year as we continue to support them, and may we be empowered by the presence of the Risen Lord today as he calls us beyond the fear of the unknown.

For the people of Ukraine, for those in our world who suffer conflict, hunger, injustice and deprivation, for our families and for ourselves may we make the greeting of the Risen Lord our prayer this Easter – ‘Peace be with you’.

Laetare Sunday


The prodigal son came home empty handed, he had no trophies to show his father, no achievement with which to earn his praise, his welcome and his love. He was a failure. Worse—he was a sinner. He deserved to be punished and he knew it. Yet punishment was the last thing he needed. To punish him would be like pouring water on a dying fire. What happened? When the father saw his lost son coming towards him, his heart went out to him and next minute they were in each other’s arms. It is an extraordinary experience to be loved in one’s sinfulness. Such love is like a breeze to a dying fire, or rain falling on parched ground. Those who have experienced this kind of love, know something about the heart of God.

First Communion sign up

After Mass today, first communicants will be signing up to the Sunday of their choice for making their First Holy Communion.

Diocesan Ukraine Appeal

A message from the diocesan office has come to us asking that no more goods be donated. They can only accept money or medical supplies.


The Funeral Service for James Powell will take place here in St James’ on Monday 28th March at 11.45am. Please remember James and his family in your prayers.

Mother’s Day

Happy mother’s day to all mums and grandmas! Enjoy your special day!

3rd Sunday of Lent


Days pass and the years vanish, and we walk sightless among miracles. Lord, fill our eyes with seeing, and our minds with knowing. Let there be moments when the radiance of your presence illuminates the darkness in which we walk. Help us to see, wherever we gaze, that the bush burns, unconsumed. And we, clay touched by your hand, will reach out for holiness and exclaim in wonder, “How filled with awe is this place, and we did not know it.”

Novena and Rosary

Novena and Rosary are starting again each Wednesday at 9.30am, just before the morning Mass. All are welcome!

Diocesan Ukraine Appeal

Contact details for making donations of goods or money can be found at the link below. A reminder that we are no longer accepting donations of clothes, but we are still welcoming donations of medical supplies, baby products (such as nappies and formula), toiletries, bedding/sleeping bags and rucksacks, as well as financial donations (all details are on the link).


The funeral service for Albert Roby will take place here in St James’ on Friday 25th March at 11.30am. Please remember Albert and his family in your prayers.

Second Collection

This week’s Second collection is for Lenten alms. Next week’s Second Collection is for NUGENT, another mandatory one. Sorry! CAFOD returns still welcome.

2nd Sunday of Lent


All of us can experience moments of great joy because, in his goodness, God allows us to taste on earth the joys of the world to come. However, moments of joy, no matter how wonderful, will never satisfy the human heart. What we long for is a permanent state of happiness but that is unattainable here. So what must we do? Like desert travellers, we must go forward from one oasis to another, with the conviction that God has a homeland prepared for us at the end of our journey. This conviction will make it possible for us to travel onwards with an ache in our heart and an unquenchable longing in our soul.

Emergency Appeal For Ukraine

The people of Ukraine are suffering untold privations at this time and Salesians are working on the ground in Ukraine, hosting refugees and looking after vulnerable young people. If you would like to contribute to this work please either send a cheque to Mrs. N. Howell at the Provincial Office, Sharples Park, Bolton, Lancashire, BL1 6PQ clearly marked UKRAINE. All cheques should be made out to SDB Trustees, or access the Salesian Just Giving page from the link below to make a donation. If you are a UK taxpayer, the donation can be gift aided.


The funeral service for Fred Lowe will take place here in St James’ on Thursday 17th March at 11.30am. Please pray for the repose of Fred’s soul and the comfort of his family.

Second Collection

Next weekend, 19/20 March there will be a second collection for Lenten Alms. This is a mandatory Diocesan collection. Meanwhile, envelopes for CAFOD are still available at the back of Church and can be brought back any time during Lent.

1st Sunday of Lent


Repentance of itself is not enough—grace must be available.
But if grace is offered and not accepted,
then nothing comes of that either.
There is no point putting up a sail if there is no wind.
There is no point in planting a seed if the ground is frozen.
There is no point in pruning the tree if spring does not come.
It is not enough to cut into people’s hearts
in order to save them—they must be touched by grace.
Lord, touch our hearts with your grace,
so that we may produce the fruits of repentance.

CAFOD Family Fast Day

Next Friday 11th March is Family Fast Day. There are envelopes at the back of Church today for the CAFOD collection. Please take one, put in your donation and bring it back any Sunday during Lent. Another collection for Lenten Alms will be taken up in a few week’ time. This is a mandatory Diocesan Collection.

Emergency Appeal For Ukraine

The people of Ukraine are suffering untold privations at this time and Salesians are working on the ground in Ukraine, hosting refugees and looking after vulnerable young people. If you would like to contribute to this work please either send a cheque to Mrs. N. Howell at the Provincial Office, Sharples Park, Bolton, Lancashire, BL1 6PQ clearly marked UKRAINE. All cheques should be made out to SDB Trustees, or access the Salesian Just Giving page from the link below to make a donation. If you are a UK taxpayer, the donation can be gift aided.

Quiz and Bingo Night

Jack Lyon and Youth Active are organising a Quiz and Bingo Night to help raise money for VIDES UK and its upcoming projects. The event will take place on the 25th March 7pm to 10pm in Brunswick Youth and Community Centre. £4 per person for entry, and a small additional fee to play the quiz and bingo. Bring your own drinks and snacks and come down for a great night raising money for a great cause.

VIDES UK is the charity of the Salesian Sisters who provide many opportunities for young people to get involved in lots of different ways! VIDES worked in our parish, running a summer camp for 5 years between 2007 & 2012. If you are able to, please try to go along and support!

8th Sunday in Ordinary Time


When I was young and fired with the love of God, I thought I would convert the whole world. But soon I discovered that it would be quite enough to convert the people who lived in my town and I tried for a long time to do that but did not succeed. Then I realised that my program was still too ambitious so I concentrated on those in my own household but I found that I could not convert them either. Finally it dawned on me: I must work on myself. When people complain about what’s wrong with the world, they are usually blaming somebody else. They should look at themselves first. That way, they will know they are making a difference in at least one life. We can’t take anyone farther than we’ve gone ourselves.

Survive Miva

There is a second collection this Sunday for Survive Miva. Someone from the organisation will give a short appeal at the end of each Mass.

Prayer for peace in Ukraine

God of Mercy,
We pray for Ukraine.
For all of humanity distorted by war.
For all the lives lost, homes seized and peace broken.
May the Spirit of comfort and compassion envelop all who dwell in fear.
May the Spirit of wisdom and humility enliven our leaders.
May we affirm the dignity and rights of all.
May we seek peace.

Ash Wednesday

Wednesday of this week, 2nd March, is Ash Wednesday and the beginning of the season of Lent. It is a day of Fast and Abstinence. Masses in the Parish will be at 10am and 7pm. At both Masses ashes will be blessed and distributed.


The funeral of Angela Rice will take place here in St James’ on Tuesday 1st March at 11am. Please pray for the repose of Angela’s soul and the comfort of her family.

7th Sunday in Ordinary Time


There are those who give but only on condition that they receive something in return and receive it immediately.
There are those who give on condition that they receive something in return later on and with a handsome profit.
And there are those who give without expecting anything in return now or ever: they scatter the seeds of the heart without looking for any harvest. These are imitating the generosity of God, who bestows his love on good people and bad and grants mercy to saints and sinners.

Survive Miva

Next weekend at both Masses there will be an appeal on behalf of Survive Miva. Someone from the organisation will come to talk to us and there will be a second collection for them.

Marriage Encounter

Want to give your marriage a boost? Treat yourselves to a life changing Marriage Encounter Experience. Our next experiences are 4-6 March, 14 & 21 May and 11-12 June.

Fr Provincial

We welcome Fr Gerry Briody, our Provincial, who is with us on visitation for the next few days. He will lead the Parish Masses this weekend and be meeting various groups and people while he is here.

6th Sunday in Ordinary Time


Blessed are the clean of heart;
they will see God.
Blessed are the humble of heart;
they will find rest for their souls.
Blessed are the warm-hearted;
they will radiate goodness.
Blessed are those who work with the heart;
they will find joy in their work.
Blessed are those who do not lose heart;
they will find the strength to persevere.
And blessed are those who set their hearts on the Kingdom of God;
everything else will be given to them.

CAFOD’s walk against hunger Lent challenge

There are 200 million children in the world whose lives are at risk from malnutrition. This Lent, challenge yourself to walk 200km and help give hunger its marching orders. Do 5k a day, your way, for 40 days, get sponsored and you’ll conquer your 200km in time for Easter and help people round the world to live free from hunger. To take part, click the link below.


The Funeral Mass for Letty Larkin will take place here in St James’ on Friday 18 Feb at 11.30am. Please pray for the repose of Letty’s soul and the comfort of her family.

Provincial visitation

Our Provincial, Fr Gerry Briody, will be doing the official visitation of our community from 19th -24th February. He will preside at both Masses next weekend and be with us for the days following. I know you will give him a warm welcome when you see him around.

5th Sunday in Ordinary Time


Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate but that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light not our darkness that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, “Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented and fabulous?” Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small doesn’t serve the world. There’s nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won’t feel insecure around you.
We are born to make manifest the Glory of God that is within us. It’s not just in some of us; it’s in everyone. And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.

Could you be a deacon?

Our Synod Pastoral Plan sets out concrete actions to change our ways of working so our Church becomes more inclusive and engaged with those on the margins.

The ministry of deacons will continue to evolve in the service of the presthood. If you feel this may be your calling, please join Archbishop Malcolm and the diaconate team in a meeting for men who are wondering if they are called to serve and what the formation involves. Wives and supporting priests or deacons are also welcome.

It is on Tuesday 22 Feb 7:30-9 (Refreshments from 7) St Gregory’s Parish house, Weldbank Lane, Chorley PR7 3NW


The funeral Mass for Mike Hogan will take place here in St James’ on Tuesday 8th February at 11.30am. Please pray for the repose of Mike’s soul and the comfort of his family.

Mass in honour of Our Lady of Lourdes

This will take place at Christ the King Church, Queens Drive, Childwall, L15 6YQ on Tuesday 11th February at 7:30pm