15th Sunday in Ordinary Time


The word of God is to the human heart what seed is to the earth. However, just as a seed needs soil, so the word needs a receptive heart. The earth responds to the rain and sun so that even the desert blooms. But the arid human heart has the power to resist so that it remains barren. Lord, soften our hearts with your grace, open them with your gentle love, so that the precious seed of your word may take root in our hearts and bear fruit in our lives.


Congratulations to Fr Ste Lloyd SDB who was Ordained to the priesthood yesterday here in St James’. We ask God to bless him with health and perseverance and many fruitful years as a Salesian priest.

A sincere thank you to all those in the Parish who worked so hard to prepare for the big day. Your selfless work was much appreciated. Reminder: after Fr Ste’s First Mass this morning, there will be refreshments in All Saints school just opposite the Church.

Click the link below to watch the Ordination Mass.

Vacancies at the Archdiocese

We are currently advertising a number of chaplaincy posts, a Maintenance Assistant, a Governance Professional and a Finance Business Partner. If you’re interested in working for the Archdiocese, you can find an up-to-date list of vacancies at the link below.

14th Sunday in Ordinary Time


Jesus said, "Come to me, all you that are weary and are carrying heavy burdens, and I will give you rest." When the burden is so heavy that prayers cannot even be formed, lean on him. When you are too weary to lift your head, rest it on his shoulder, knowing that somehow your burden will be shared, lifted and eventually eased. He has said so, and he is faithful to his promises. Lord, let me share your work. Open my eyes to the burdens borne by others. Help me to be a channel of your peace.


We congratulate Bro Reuben and Bro Nhan as they make their perpetual profession as Salesian of Don Bosco.  May God bless them in their future ministry!

Click the link below to watch the Mass:

Below are the photos from the Mass:


The funeral service for Bobby Woolrich will take place here in St James’ on Monday 10th July at 11.30am. Please remember Bobby and his family in your prayers.

The funeral service for Mary Daniels will take place here in St James’ on Thursday 13th July at 2pm. Please pray for the repose of Mary’s soul.

Ordination Matters 

Just to remind you that on the day of the Ordination, Saturday 15th July, there will be no evening Mass that day here in St James’. It will be a very busy day.

Also, on Sunday 16th, after Fr Ste’s First Mass, there will be refreshments in All Saints school (just across from the Church) after the Mass.

13th Sunday in Ordinary Time


Much of our lives is spent in keeping people out. We have private houses, private clubs, and so on. Of course there are times when we need to be alone. Yet there is a sense in which our size as human beings can be measured by the circles we draw to to take other people in: the smaller the circle, the smaller the person. A strong person isn’t afraid of people who are different. A wise person welcomes them. By shutting other people out we deny ourselves the riches of other people’s experience. We starve our minds, and harden our hearts. In the beginning God gave the earth its shape. He made it round. He included everybody. So should we.

Perpetual Professions  

On Sunday 9th July, Bro Nhan and Bro Reuben will be making their Perpetual Profession as Salesians at the 10.30am Mass here in St James’. Fr Provincial and other Salesian guests will be joining us for the occasion. Please keep Bros Nhan and Reuben in your prayers at this important time in their Salesian lives.

Sacrament of Confirmation

The young people from our deanery will be receiving the Sacrament of Confirmation in St Monica’s Church on the following dates: Sunday 9th July, Tuesday 11th July and Thursday 13th July. All the services are at 7pm. Archbishop Malcolm is Confirming on the Sunday, and Bishop Tom Neylon on the other two occasions. Please say a prayer for all the Candidates.

Ordination Matters 

On the day of the Ordination, Saturday 15th July, there will be no evening Mass here in St James. It will be a long and busy day for many people, and we need to leave the Church more or less the same for the First Mass on the Sunday. Sorry for any inconvenience this causes. Also, please note that this Sunday is the last day to sign up to go to the reception!

12th Sunday in Ordinary Time


I rise today with God’s strength to direct me,
God’s wisdom to guide me,
God’s eyes to look before me,
God’s ear to hear me,
God’s word to speak for me,
God’s hand to uphold me,
God’s pathway before me,
God’s shield to protect me,
God’s host to save me
—from temptations,
from one man or many
that seek to destroy me.

Perpetual Professions  

July 9th:  Final Profession of Bros Nhan and Reuben, 10.30 Mass.

Holyday of Obligation

Thursday of this week is the Feast of Saints Peter and Paul and is a Holyday of Obligation. Masses as usual at 10am and 7pm. There is also a Second Collection for Peter’s Pence.

Brother Ste’s ordination 

As I mentioned last week, would those intending to go to the reception after the Ordination please put your names on the list at the back of Church. This is for catering numbers. All are welcome to come to the Ordination Mass. Also, this weekend is your last chance to contribute to Ste’s gift from the Parish. Envelopes still available.

Thank you 

Ann Kirby would like to thank everyone for their generosity. We raised £300 to send a young person to Lourdes. Special thanks to Jean and Mamma Margaret’s pensioners.

11th Sunday in Ordinary Time


Jesus doesn’t call the trained, he trains the called, just like in today’s gospel. Jesus didn’t wait until the disciples were fully trained before sending them out into the world to do his will, part of their training would be hands on experience and this is true for all of us today as well. The best way to learn to become the person the good Lord has called us to be is to simply take the first step. The rest will come, for we do not guide our lives on our own, but rely on Jesus Christ and the working of the Holy Spirit to help guide us in all that we do.

Day For Life  

This year the Day for Life seeks to highlight the trauma caused by abortion. The theme is “Listen to Her”. The message is an invitation to listen to the voice and story of a young Catholic woman who was suffering after an abortion and found healing. With her consent, we are able to highlight the distress which she suffered and how she found healing. We were inspired towards this message from a number of experiences: the ever-rising number of abortions in these countries, the introduction and impact of “tele-medicine after the COVID 19 pandemic, and the stories of post-abortive trauma which we have heard. (Bishop John Sherington) For the message and more information click the link below.

Second collection today for day for life.


The Funeral Service for Peter Cheshire will take place here in St James’ on Friday 23rd June at 1.15pm. Please pray for the repose of Peter’s soul.

Brother Ste’s ordination 

Just a reminder that contributions to Ste’s gift need to be in by the end of June. Envelopes still available at the back of Church.

Could I also ask that those of you who intend to come to the reception after the Ordination, to put your names on the list at the back of Church. This is for catering numbers.

Everyone is welcome to come to the Ordination Mass.

Drop In 

Have you a free hour on a Monday? Why not come to our drop in for a chat and a cup of tea or coffee, 12.30-2.30 at the Brunny Community Club. All welcome. This week: general quiz.

Corpus Christi


“Blessed are the hungry; they shall get their fill.”
It is in our emptiness that we are filled.
It is in our confusions that we are guided.
It is in our weakness that we are strengthened.
It is in our sins that we are forgiven.
It is in our hunger that we are fed.
We believe that God has a homeland prepared for us where all our hungers will be satisfied and all our hopes will be fulfilled.
This conviction makes it possible for us to travel onwards with an ache in our hearts and an unquenchable longing in our souls.


Ann Kirby is having a small raffle this weekend to send a young person to Lourdes.
Please help her if you can.

Second Collection

 There is a mandatory second collection for “Day for Life” next weekend.

Brother Ste’s ordination 

Just a reminder that contributions to Ste’s gift need to be in by the end of June. Envelopes still available at the back of Church.


The funeral service for Reg Leech will take place here in St James’ on Tuesday 13th June at 11.30am. Please remember Reg and his family in your prayers.

Trinity Sunday


Of all the great feasts we celebrate within the Church throughout the year, today’s Solemnity presents us with a Mystery that is so deep and transcendent that our eternity will be spent in perpetual contemplation. The Trinity, the life of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit, will never get old, never be fully understood, and will be the cause of our everlasting adoration and joy. Though the Church has used philosophical concepts to explain the Trinity, no human concept or description will ever fully explain Who God is. Though we can point to some general truths about God, we will never be able to fully depict the inner essence, depth, beauty and omnipotence of the Trinity. As we consider that fact, it’s important to understand that the Trinity is not first a theological mystery we try to define. Rather, the Trinity is first a communion of Persons we are invited to know. We do not primarily come to know God through intellectual deduction. We come to know God through prayerful union with Him. Though theology is exceptionally useful and important, the essence of God is beyond any and every philosophical concept we can define.

Brother Ste’s ordination  

A number of people have asked me if the Parish intends to give Bro Ste Lloyd some kind of present for his Ordination. The answer is Yes! If you would like to contribute something towards that present, you will find envelopes at the back of Church with his name on. Please put any donation you want to give into the envelope and return it any time you come to Mass. Can I ask for any donations to be in by the end of June. Thank you.

Second Collection

Second collection for “Day for Life” on Sunday 18th June. Another Mandatory Collection.

RCIA—Mass for new Catholics 

The Mass for the New Catholics will now take place on 21st June 2023 at the Metropolitan Cathedral at 7pm. Anyone who has been involved in the RCIA journey would be very welcome to attend. If you have any further questions, please email rcia@rcaol.org.uk.



It was late spring and the buds still refused to open. Tightly wrapped up in themselves, they were as hard as stones. The wind shook them. The hail beat them. The frost squeezed them in a fist of iron. All three shouted, “Open up! Open up! Instead of opening up, the buds reinforced their shells and retreated even more deeply into themselves. Then along came the sun. It issued no threats and made no demands, it just created a more friendly climate. And what happened? Almost overnight the buds began to soften and expand. Then their shells cracked and they burst out. If you love, you are gentle and there are certain tasks which only gentleness can accomplish.

Brother Ste’s ordination  

A number of people have asked me if the Parish intends to give Bro Ste Lloyd some kind of present for his Ordination. The answer is Yes! If you would like to contribute something towards that present, you will find envelopes at the back of Church with his name on. Please put any donation you want to give into the envelope and return it any time you come to Mass. Can I ask for any donations to be in by the end of June. Thank you.

Churches Together - Two Cathedrals Walk

Sunday 28th May 3-5pm, a walk from Liverpool Anglican Cathedral to Metropolitan Cathedral. This year the 2 Cathedrals Pentecost walk and celebration will begin at Liverpool Cathedral, led by Bishop John Perumbalath. The celebrations are entitled: ‘One Church’, Many Nations, Journeying Together in Hope. For further information, please click the link below.

First Communions 

The children making their First Communion this Sunday: Mia Godlewska, Oscar Malicki, Harriet Taylor, Kitty McLeod, Libby Simpson, Adaeze-Rea Onuorah, Lucas Hughes, Nina Paniewska, Mason Hughes, Alex Ras.

Please keep them in your prayers.


The Funeral service for George Muirhead will take place here in St James’ on Friday 2nd June at 11.45am. Please remember George and his family in your prayers.

7th Sunday of Easter


As we await the great feast of Pentecost, this Sunday’s scriptures remind us to wait united in prayer. Prayer is not a waste of time. The Holy Spirit will bring us the joy and peace that we cannot find in this world. The Holy Spirit is God’s presence among us. It is this love that unites us. After Jesus’ Ascension, the disciples needed reassurance that they are not abandoned. May the guidance of the coming Holy Spirit make us truly thankful as we strive to be One in the God who calls us into life.

World Communications Day  

This year’s World Communications Day is celebrated on Sunday 21 May 2023. The theme comes from Ephesians 4:15 Speaking with the heart—”The truth in love”. In his message to mark the day, Pope Francis stresses the need to listen before speaking the truth with a pure heart to “see beyond appearances and overcome the vague din which, in the field of information, does not help us discern in the complicated world in which we live.” The Holy Father, warning against indifference and indignation, hails the example of the great Dr of the Church, St Francis De Sales, in particular his commitment to patient, heartfelt dialogue. A gifted theologian, his phrase “Heart speaks to heart” inspired many, none more so than the recently canonised Saint John Henry Newman, who chose the phrase as his cardinalatial motto, “Cor ad cor loquitur”. Catholics in England and Wales will remember with affection that “Heart speaks unto heart” was also the theme for Pope Benedict XVI’s historic visit to the UK in 2010. You will find information, resources, prayers and more on the Bishops’ Conference website.

Churches Together - Two Cathedrals Walk

Sunday 28th May 3-5pm, a walk from Liverpool Anglican Cathedral to Metropolitan Cathedral. This year the 2 Cathedrals Pentecost walk and celebration will begin at Liverpool Cathedral, led by Bishop John Perumbalath. The celebrations are entitled: ‘One Church’, Many Nations, Journeying Together in Hope. For further information, please click the link below.

First Communions 

The children making their First Communion this Sunday are:
Niamh Sandford, Poppy-Lea Loftus, Francisca Braz, Dorian Krefta and Kaiden Reynolds.

Please keep them in your prayers.

5th Sunday of Easter


Going to Heaven! I don’t know when, pray do not ask me how. Going to Heaven! How dim it sounds! And yet it will be done as sure as flocks go home at night unto the shepherd’s arm. If you should get there first, save just a little place for me close to the two I lost. The smallest “robe” will fit me and just a bit of “crown”; for you know we do not mind our dress when we are going home.
Emily Dickinson

Thanksgiving Mass for Bishop Tom Williams  

Archbishop Malcolm McMahon will celebrate a Holy Mass of Thanksgiving for Bishop Tom Williams’ 20 years’ ministry as Auxiliary Bishop of Liverpool on Wednesday 17 May 2023 at 7.00pm in the Metropolitan Cathedral of Christ the King.
Everyone is invited to the Mass and the Drinks Reception which will follow.

Prayer for King Charles

O God, to whom every human power is subject, grant to your servant, our sovereign Charles, success in the exercise of his high office so that, always revering you and striving to please you, he may constantly secure and preserve for the people entrusted to his care, the freedom that comes from civil peace. Through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son, who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit. God, forever and ever. Amen

Holy Communions 

Please pray for Jack Windsor, Simon Enagbare Williams and Reece Bailey, who are making their First Communion this Sunday. We ask God’s blessing on them and their Families.

RCIA—Mass for the New Catholics 

The Mass for the New Catholics will now take place on 21st June 2023 at the Metropolitan Cathedral at 7pm. Anyone who has been involved in the RCIA journey would is welcome to attend. For further information email rcia@rcaol.org.uk